chapter 13

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          The sky was getting covered by gloomy colour as the sun kept disappearing from the horizon lazily, taking away the blazing brightness of its gleaming rays along with itself. Darkness had already started to slowly paint the dim blanket of the earth, pouring down the torrents of pitch black on the ground. The moon was stretched out over the upper atmosphere, throwing its tender illumination to the earth which was mixing with different bright colours of the city and reflecting on the smooth surface of the car. It was standing near the sidewalk in the middle of the city, several meters away from the building beside it. Two boys sat inside next to each other, wrapped up in a comforting silence which seemed to be uneasy to the black-haired one since he couldn't find peace and kept fidgeting on his seat, on the contrary, it felt relaxing to the older boy who was watching the night city through the window of his car. He could still see himself with his friends, doing crazy things at midnight and acting like teenagers even though they were already college students at that period. They had always been inseparable and had created a bunch of fun and entertaining memories which would never leave their minds, even if that peaceful life was already too far away from them in the present. Yeonjun knew very well he would never manage to be that happy boy again who was full of life and energy. He was feeling like something was missing from his body every day, willing to turn his body into an empty shell totally devoid of feelings and sense of life.

          After visiting the building in which Lee Junseo was supposed to live and discovering that no one was at home, his neighbour told them that Junseo would be home the following morning after he had finished his night shift, so Yeonjun and Beomgyu decided to spend that night in Yeonjun's car since neither of them wanted to reserve a hotel room for one night. They preferred staying outside and savouring the beautiful sight before their eyes.

          "Aren't you gonna tell me?", suddenly Beomgyu asked, grabbing Yeonjun's attention who was too lost in his thoughts and had even forgotten about the other's presence.

          The older's head snapped to the black-haired boy who drifted his gaze to him, noticing Yeonjun's questioning look, so he asked curiously, "What?"

          "About the time machine. We have the entire night ahead of us", Beomgyu answered, and some unknown feelings ran across Yeonjun's eyes, causing him to look forward through the windshield and flop back onto the backrest of his seat heavily.

          Beomgyu didn't know why he was so eager to know about that topic, but he couldn't help his curiosity. He was still sceptical and doubting that there was the possibility of creating the time machine, because if it was possible, then wouldn't one have already been created? He needed answers from Yeonjun.

          "It was 2019 back then", Yeonjun started narrating, his voice empty, but his orbs which were locked to empty space ahead of him were full of numerous emotions glistening in his eyes, like twinkling starts on the night sky, "I was very happy when I got enrolled in the university because I knew it was my way to get closer to my goals and dream career. I had always been interested in whether creating a time machine was possible or not and I decided to find it out. From my first day at my university, I started working on it. I was thinking about every possible formula which could help me figure out how to create the machine and it took many years. In the last year of university, my lecturer told us to prepare the project and he let us choose the topic ourselves. We had a year for that and I asked myself why not use my discoveries now? I got even more determined and that year was the time I finally managed to fill a bunch of sheets with all the necessary formulas and I was excited to show it to my lecturer and do you know what he told me?"

          A bitter chuckle escaped Yeonjun's lips, causing unpleasant sensations to rise into Beomgyu's body as he waited patiently for his answer, his eyes not moving off his face, seeing how bitterness crept upon it, "He said that they were useless and there was no way I could create time machine with them", he announced ironically, his heart filling with pure hatred at remembering his awful memories, "But he lied and do you want to know why? Because he wanted to sell the formulas", he spoke with loath embedded in his harsh tone, "He sold them to the group of scientists and they paid a good amount of money after they checked them and came to a conclusion that they were worth a try. One of them, named Kim Taehyung turned out to be a very good friend of Namjoon and he told him about that, and Namjoon became obsessed with the idea of the time machine and the power he could gain from it. Who doesn't want to know what will happen in the future, or avoid the mistakes they have already made? So he hired them to work for him and build the machine for him. There have always been terrible rumours about Namjoon, but no one had ever managed to prove them, so he was never the concern of the police. But my father, knew very well who he was because one scientist from that group, named Jimin was a very good friend of him and Namjoon's boyfriend Seokjin. So he knew everything about him very well because Jimin never liked monsters and murderers like him"

          Yeonjun licked his dry lips, his mind getting lost in the thoughts of his terrible past, "Jimin finally found out that those formulas were the work of mine and that they were stolen by the lecturer who lied to me. He knew he wouldn't be able to take them to the police department, because Namjoon held a big power and the best thing they could do would be to punish the lecturer for stealing someone else's work, and gaining a benefit from it, so he decided to take them to my father instead. It didn't take Namjoon a long time to discover that my formulas were stolen by Jimin and he figured out that they would be with my father now since I was the author of them, but my father didn't seem to have intentions of giving them back to him. That's why he gave me a clock necklace as my birthday present after several days, there was a microchip inside it I knew nothing about, it was hidden really well, but he told me to break it if anything happened to him one day. I was shaken by his words back then, but I could never imagine that the situation was that serious. So I really did break the necklace once my parents died and watched the video of my father who was telling me the reason for his murder and there were also my formulas attached to it as a document. It seemed like he knew from the very beginning that Namjoon would kill him because of it, and he preferred dying than giving the possibility of creating the time machine to a maniac like him. There was no way I would let Namjoon get away with whatever he did to my family, and I decided to take revenge, but ...", he stopped for a moment, his gloomy eyes darting to his lap in a sad manner, "I failed"

          It had been a really long time, he had been keeping all of those words in his heart, and that's why he couldn't manage to overpower the temptation of letting them out now. And Beomgyu who had been listening to him carefully and registering his every word, was beyond shocked because first, Yeonjun must have been a real genius to create something like that, and second, if Yeonjun's father totally sacrificed himself for the formulas, it meant that they really worked because no one would shed so much blood for something unrealistic. On the other side, he was truly fascinated by the older's story and felt a flood of compassion, now he was no longer surprised why Yeonjun was the way he was and he couldn't blame him for it either.

          The younger boy wanted to lean to him and hug him so badly, but he managed to hold himself back and looked down at his lap instead while uttering sorrowfully, "I'm so sorry"
          He heard the older boy chuckling bitterly, but his sniffle still exposed his sadness and pain which were lingering in his heart. "Suddenly you feel compassion for me?", he asked ironically as he raised up his head and looked outside again, not daring to spare a glance at the male beside him who was staring at him with sorrowful eyes, "I don't need it, keep it to yourself. All I need is blood only"

          Usually, Beomgyu would get angry because of his harsh words, but now he felt even sadder because of the older's condition and he decided to not argue with him. At least he was glad that Yeonjun had opened up to him, he didn't know why, but it meant something special deep down in his heart.

          "It's very late", Yeonjun said and looked around to blow away the tension between them, "Time to sleep", he said and briskly lowered both their seats to make themselves more comfortable for sleep.

          He didn't say anything else to the younger boy, he just closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep even though he wasn't feeling good which was disturbing him, he was feeling sick in his stomach for some reason and he didn't like it, but what he hated the most, was feeling how weaker his muscles were becoming every day as if something inside his body was absorbing his strength and energy. However, he didn't want to think about anything bad, he just wanted to get a good rest or, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to function properly on the following day.

          While he was busy trying to fall asleep, Beomgyu was just staring up at the ceiling of the car, stealing glances from the older boy every now and then. His eyes had been looking sad after hearing his story because he noticed how broken his voice was and how he was trying to conceal his pain all the time. Realizing this fact brought some sympathy into Beomgyu's heart because there was no way he could not appreciate his strong personality, and how much pain he had to handle. He knew very well what losing parents meant, it was a real hell to go through, but that pain would obviously be worse for Yeonjun because he had spent rather much time with them, almost his whole life.

          With those distressing thoughts lingering in his mind, Beomgyu couldn't notice when he fell asleep, but the city around them still continued being wide awake while the two boys were in a deep slumber in the car, travelling through the mystery of their dreams.

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