chapter 35

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Alternate Reality #139, 7990, New York

          A sullen colour had absorbed the light of the world as the traditional, bright sky was now replaced with a terrifying picture in the upper atmosphere. There was a large galaxy slowly nearing the earth and the stars and broken parts of the moon were closer to the ground than usual. A flame of scarlet had crept across the numerous luminous points in the sky, creating a stunning, but threatening sight for the humans on the earth. It was a day, nine o'clock in the morning, but still, the entire earth was sunk in dangerous colours as heavy oppression had brooded upon the dusty and glistening air.

          There were several formally dressed people sitting around the table in a large conference room, not even daring to share any words as they all were deeply buried in their fear and constant waves of scary thoughts which wouldn't stop flashing their minds. Some of them were spinning slightly on their places with their rolling chairs, others were fiddling with their fingers nervously as they would let out a heavy groan occasionally and only one man in his early thirties, dressed in blue suits, was sitting motionless on his chair, so lost in his memories and the sight he was seeing as his eyes were fixed on the window a few feet away from him, that he had even forgotten about where he was and people whose bodies were emitting nothing, but stress every time even a second would pass. There was only one idea that was attacking his mind from every side - to save the one he loved the most, someone who deserved to live more than anyone else did.

          Soon the door of the conference room swung open and one young man went there with a nervous and worried face, causing everyone to jolt back to reality and shuffle in their places as their hopeful eyes fixed on him. They all got on their feet to bow to the man while the latter quickly greeted them and ran to the empty seat at the head of the table, where the leader was supposed to sit, "I'm sorry to break it to you, my dear friends, but our every attempt of saving the humanity failed as expected", he announced in a composed tone as he tried to maintain his calm image, but a slight quiver of trepidation was still audible in his nervous tone, "Our universe keeps contracting at dramatically high speed and soon there will be nothing left from us. And the biggest disaster is that this destruction is going to reach the real world too out there", the leader spoke in a stressful manner and noticed how shaken gasp escaped everyone's mouth at once or how pure terror settled in their anxious eyes blistering with dread as they looked over at each other with panicked faces even though they were expecting such a piece of terrifying information.

          "Aren't there any possible solutions left? We can't give up like that", one man asked in hope, earning a negative answer from the young leader which caused nothing, but rushes of terror in everyone's heart.
          "Making too many changes in the past and future and creating so many alternate realities, has finally led our world to destruction", the leader said in dissatisfaction as he intertwined his fingers on the table and darted his anxious, but stern eyes to the man in blue suits who was sitting in the end and looked the least affected by the new information, but was totally shaking from inside, "It would have been better if you had believed us and waited for us to find the way to the real world and prevent that damn scientist from creating that terminator, mister Choi Soobin", he said in a visibly unsatisfied tone, causing Soobin to lower his gaze in guilt, discomfort engulfing his body in uneasiness as he felt a few pair of incisive eyes landing upon him, "But now we're coming to an end because of your reckless behaviours. Soon nothing will be left, neither present nor the past or future"

          "I'm truly sorry, mister Sam", Soobin spoke timidly as he was feeling way too guilty and heavy from inside for causing such a huge disaster to the universe and everyone he had ever loved, but he knew he would do whatever it would take to fix what he had done wrong.

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