Dance and song

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Blue walked into the council room without either a bandana or scarf. Something that was an absolute rarety. They had just killed Error, and he was the only one who was emotionless. Everyone stared at Blue as he walked slowly in. He took his seat as everyone stared at him. They looked at his neck. It was tattoed, or so it seemed.

"When did you get a tattoo, and who did it?" Ink asked.

"I didn't get one. I was created with it," Blue said. Everyone looked at him as he said it.

"Why haven't you said anything before about it?" Classic asked

"Is there something wrong with that?" Blue snapped at him. It shocked everyone.

"It's just a shock that you have never shown this to anyone before," Classic said.

"What made you think that?" Blue snapped.

"Look, this isn't what we need to disgust," Ink said, ending their argument and creating tension. Ink looked at them.

"We are here to disgust how to proceed with the bad sanses as they have become very aggressive since Error's death," Ink said. Blue was clearly getting aggressive.

"Why don't we do the same to them as we did with Error?" Fell asked

"That is provided we find them sitting by a cliff in outertale," Ink said. Blue clenched his fist.

"Any other ideas?" Ink asked.

"Ever considered why they grew aggressive?" Blue asked.

"Because they no longer have a strong fighter," Dream said. No one could manage to reach as Blue summoned his hammer and pulverized Ink in one swift moment.

"Because you kill the only thing holding us back," Blue said. The tattoo was glowing a soft blue. Everyone was in shock.

"What happened to you, Blue?" Dream asked, trying to stay still.

"It's simple, really. You killed the only one keeping me from slaughtering this idiot," Blue said. He took Ink's stash.


"I am your brother, and I'm sick of you treating me like a fucking child. I'm sick of being seen as less and as something innocent. Just so you know. I've been a part of the 'bad' sanses before I was kidnapped, and I have to say. The council is the real villain," Blue said and portaled away with Ink's stash. Everyone was left speechless. Blue walked to an ancient AU and placed Ink's stash in front of Destiny's. The goddess smiled and gave blue a basket with a baby bone.

"Don't be fooled, but the bone color this is Error but with his real bone color and body," Destiny said as she took the stash and his it in a place Fate would never be able to find the one thing precious to her child. Blue took the basket with Error and held the child. He left to nightmare's hideout and smiled as the gang looked at him and the child. Error reached for Blue.

"Bue," He said, then looked confused around.

"Error destiny turned you into a child of your original self. You have a new life and chance," Blue said as he moved the baby bone into the couch and picked up the smaller.

"I bay?" Error asked, he looked so confused.

"Anyone understand?" Dust asked.

"Yes and, yes Error. You are a baby," Blue said as he cradled the child. Error looked confused but then yawned. He wanted to sleep, and he didn't have to wait for long until that happened. He fell asleep in Blue's arms. Blue smiled and squealed at how cute the baby was. Nightmare took the child and left. Blue and everyone else followed just to see that Nightmare had a nursery in the castle.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now