Error almost jumps into the void

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Error looked at the dark and never-ending void of outertale. He was ready to lean, ready to finally end this choking hold of his duty, the suffering he had endured for longer than he can remember. Error looked up at the stars one final time before leaning he closed his eyes ready to embrace the death he so desperately longed for but was stopped. He felt himself being held from the collar of his shirt holding him up and above the dark deep void. He was pulled up and was shaken harshly by his mortal enemy who was yelling at him asking why he would kill himself. Error just couldn't keep on the mask any longer. He had worn it for so long that now it was worn out and was unable to hold itself on his face. Error collapsed and broke down. Ink had never seen this before nor did he think that the other was capable of tears. The creator did not know what to do nor how to react to this. In the end, Ink kneeled in front of Error and pulled the other closer into a comforting embrace. Error lunged into the other crying heavily. His Haphephobia did act up but Error was in desperate need of comfort. So desperate that he was willing to lay in his enemy's embrace, completely vulnerable and helpless. Ink only looked down at his opponent and started to stroke the back of the skeleton in his arms. Something in the creator broke as he felt the scars on error's body. He felt the bones that had healed wrong the crooked and chipped bones and the wounds that he had most likely caused. It made ink realise that error never healed after a battle. Ink let the other cry out in his arms until eventually Error calmed down but just laid against his biggest abuser.

"Why error? Why do you want to die?" Ink asked. Error just laid against ink tears falling again but not as fast as before.

"I can't take it anymore. All the abuse and betrayal from the council from nightmare from the goddamn deities... from you," Error said quietly. Ink knew what he meant.

"Error doesn't have to be like this. If only you didn't destroy then we wouldn't hurt you. We fear you, we fear that you will kill our families and homes," Ink said. Error started to shake.

"Ink I don't have a choice. I never had. You see me as a cruel and sadistic god of destruction but I never wanted this. I don't do this because I want to. If I don't destroy AU's then the multiverse will collapse ink. There is only so much space and you are filling it up. If you fill it too much, it will kill the multiverse," Error said, still crying. He was shaking violently. Ink stopped his vials making him feel unimaginable guilt. He knew that Error was telling the truth. No one could lie in their weakest moments. It was something Ink had learned the hard way as he in this very moment saw Himself in Error. Ink finally realised what he had done but also that the two of them weren't that different.

"Error I didn't know," Ink said. Error was still shaking but he was calming slowly.

"I don't believe it. You are the fucking creator how could you not know about multiversal space?" Error asked as he was laying limply against the creator who still stroked error's back comforting the god. Ink knew that error was too weak to move from his emotional outburst and an ambush that happened earlier that day.

"I truly didn't know, error. I thought the multiverse was infinite but I was wrong," Ink said. Error had stopped shaking and actually enjoyed the petting. Ink gently moved the other so he was laying with his face against ink's shoulder rather than with his head on ink's lap.

"This means that I'm the bad guy for assuming that you wanted to destroy," Ink said. Error didn't answer.

"No this means there are no bad guys since we only worked with the knowledge we had," Error said. Ink sighed not thinking that way, he held the other closer, but it also showed Error's true nature a nature he had never before had the pleasure of experiencing.  If someone told him that morning that he would be hugging his mortal enemy who was crying then he would have laughed in their face. Error was quiet. He had calmed down completely and was ready to leave as if nothing had happened. He removed himself from Ink's embrace and sat about a meter from Ink.

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