District 2

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Error smiled as he was weaving a rug. He was sitting in one of his rooms a creative room he used for fabric works. He needed to make a rug for his bedroom as the room was quite plain. Error heard the door open and saw a tray being placed by him. Error smiled and turned to face Classic

"It's beautiful," Classic said. Error was blushing softly but it quickly vanished. Nightmare entered with his brother. Both were looking at the gigantic rug Error was working on. Nightmare had heard about it but hadn't imagined that it was that big. Error looked at their shocked faces and didn't know if it was because he had done something wrong.

"Don't worry they are just surprised that you are working on something that big," Classic said. Error nodded understanding. Dream walked over to it and examined it.

"Wait you made the rug Classic gave me?" Dream asked. Error nodded. Dream didn't know what to say. Nightmare walked over too.

"That is huge," He simply said. Error just smiled sweetly. He turned back to his work.

"Wait isn't that straining your back?" Dream asked. Error got his notebook. 'A little but I hardly feel it' Dream thought for a moment and smiled. Nightmare looked at the fabric and clothing that was on mannequins. All the mannequins were child-sized.

"Sorry to ask but how tall are you Error?" Nightmare asked. He looked at Error's notepad and found that he wrote 83 cm. Error looked up at Nightmare kinda asking.

"I'm 196," Nightmare said. Error looked up he was used to looking up at people but he still wasn't comfortable doing so. Classic noticed picked Error up and placed him on his shoulders. Error was blushing a lot but he was okay with this and held onto classic's skull. Nightmare looked at them. He noticed that Error was somewhat comfortable despite Classic broke a boundary. Nightmare could feel Error's nervousness. After all, Classic lived in Nightmare's district. Representants were not allowed to live in their own district for mental health reasons. Error leaned on Classic's head for comfort. Dream did his best to not squeal it was adorable. Classic had actually legally adopted Error a week ago causing the small skeleton to be happy beyond relife. Error had the height of an eight-month-old and had about as much knowledge of the world as a 7-year-old. Classic gently held Error's legs to keep him in place. Dream noticed the abandoned tray of food and picked it up. It was breadsticks and five different types of dip. It also had a tortilla wrap.

"This reminds me. Error we came to ask if you were willing to try to go to a restaurant to eat?" Nightmare asked. Error thought for a moment then looked at Classic almost asking.

"Yes I'm coming with," Classic said. Error then looked at Nightmare and gave a nod. Nightmare smiled.

"I made a reservation at a restaurant in a neighboring district at 1 pm we'll leave in an hour and Error just wear something casual. Your casual is their formal," Nightmare said with a goofy smile. Error was placed back on the floor. He changed to a more neutral outfit. Nightmare looked at Error after he had changed.

"Error casual," Nightmare said. Error pointed at a mannequin and wrote 'formal' then pointed at himself and wrote 'casual'. Nightmare looked at Error and sighed.

"I still have no idea of how your culture works," He said with a soft smile. Error sighed but left his room to get a book in the living room. Error had grown comfortable enough to leave his rooms without Classic going with him he would sometimes go in the yard alone but never leave the house alone. He grabbed a book and returned it to Nightmare who took it and was shocked. Error wrote. 'I made this for Classic after he asked of me to do it' Nightmare started to read the clothing aspects and found that Error was indeed wearing casual clothing.

"You have a really specific dress code for every occasion," nightmare commented. Error nodded He then sat down to work on his rug again. Time quickly flew by and they had to go. Classic took Error's hand so it looked like he was walking with his infant son. Nightmare followed and so did dream. The three tall adults were speaking and Error was just following their conversation. People were giving Classic dirty looks as they walked through his district. Classic was unmarried and single yet he had a child by his side. single parenting to infants and small children was heavily frowned upon unless it was a mother above the age of 27 years old. People were disgusted that their own representative could have a child. They have seen him with Error too many times for it to not be his kid. People were glaring at them and An elder decided to walk up to him to confront him.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now