mating tanks gone wrong part 2

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Three months had passed since they took in their omega and the vines had started to die as their omega named Error started to produce magic by himself. The two alphas bathed him, fed him, and took care of his every need. They both loved him dearly and would do everything in their power to help him get better. They both sat by him and smiled when they saw the vines die and Error move softly. It was a blessing for them. He was curling up in nightmares lap getting closer to him and giving his alphas a sensation of love and made them proud of how far he had come. then they felt it Two AU's colliding Error curled up and started crying heavily. The two alphas didn't know what happened but it was obvious to them that their mate knew. He whispered very quietly that he had failed but failed what? They didn't know and couldn't find out as communicating with the smaller was hard. Error was crying in their hands while they tried to soothe him but they hadn't expected him to try and kill himself. He had summoned a bone right through his ribcage and soul. They hurried to remove it and Nightmare used his extra limbs to hold the omega still so he couldn't hurt himself more.

"Do you have healing magic?" Reaper asked nightmare.

"No," Nightmare said and started to panic when they noticed that neither of them could heal him. Blood was leaving the wound quickly and nightmare stuffed a tentacle through to stop the bleeding as the bone had been desummoned. Reaper opened a portal and motioned for nightmare to follow him through the portal. Nightmare carried their omega and both ran to a small garden where life was lurking in every corner they saw a toriel both knew that it was the AU's goddess of life and she could help them.

"LIFE," Reaper yelled getting her attention. She saw the tentacle and the blood. She hurried to Error and slowly healed his back. She glared at Nightmare thinking that he had hurt the frail omega because why else would one of his tentacles be logged through the smaller's rib cage.

"Life he tried to commit suicide," Reaper said making life freeze up.

"I won't ask how the tentacle got logged into his ribcage but who is this?" Life asked. Nightmare and reaper looked at one another and Reaper took Error's hand, shocking Life.

"He is our mate," Reaper said life looked at them and saw the worried eyes both had. But she also how loving they were. She looked at the skeleton that she was healing and saw the vines growing from his body. It told her what illness the other had but how cared for he was.

"I will help you whenever you need it," She said but then brought out his soul. All three gasped. The thing was as mangled if not more than its owner. Glass shards, crystals, knife wounds, you name it and it's there. Life did her very best to not let the other feel a thing. She didn't know her tears were falling from her eyes before they caressed the soul and revealed the secrets left on his fragile life. Life was horrified and decided to create a small but weak barrier around the soul.

"You two make a magic barrier around his soul. It has to be strong," Life commanded and they obliged. While they were working on fixing the mate's soul were the creator searching desperately for the cause of the multiverse shaking. He searched far and wide for Error believing that it was all his fault and since Dream would help him did the creator see no other way than to visit the heart of the multiverse. He entered the colorful place and smiled seeing everything flourish from his hard work. He smiled but then felt an overwhelming amount of pain wash over him. He screamed out in pain

"How pathetic Your brother is not this kind of whimp," The multiverse said. Ink was let go. Ink looked up with tears of pain leaving his eyes.

"B-brother?" Ink asked confused. The multiverse got angry.

"Have you forgotten about your twin?" They asked. Ink didn't dare to respond. He heard a frustrated sigh.

"You forgot your most important duty. To protect the destroyer your twin from the abuse my inhabitants would put him through. I made him an omega and you an alpha so he could take the physical damage and so you could protect him but you clearly failed him," The multiverse said before searching within itself and found the destroyer. It was beyond pissed by what it saw. It took the pain that Error currently felt and forced Ink to feel any pain Error would ever feel. Ink was already on his knees but now he was screaming loudly but the multiverse shut him up.

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