Chaos's help: Voice

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Play the music whenever

"So you are Error," A tall figure stated as it loomed over The injured destroyer. HE had stopped a battle between Error did not have a single doubt that the person in front of him was a deity but not Fate.

"And you are a deity," Error stated. The deity laughed. He picked up Error by the throat keeping him between his thumb and index finger.

"Most people are terrified like the blind pitiful idiots behind me," The deity said.

"I'm too used to bullshit from your kind to care," Error said not showing any sign of fear or pain. The deity's smirk grew brighter. The Gasps from behind made it clear that Error had balls of steel.

"I was sent here by Karma to punish everyone behind us but since you are the one they wronged why not give you the powers to do it? and don't worry I won't force you to kill, unlike Fate," Chaos said he then turned to the crowd behind him.

"You heard me right another diety forced this guy to kill," He said smiling and loving their horrified reactions.

"Error you will be given the voice of Chaos and a burning desire for revenge. The people behind us will forget this encounter until you command of them to remember," Chaos said before Dropping Error into the void. Error gasped waking in the anti void and touching himself. He touched his neck and felt an indent and a few more. It was the mark of Chaos. Error was freaked out. He remembers what had happened and tried to activate the voice.

"So this is weird," Error said as he felt a power run through his voice. The voices in the anti void were unusually quiet. He looked around and felt his urge guiding him towards what he was supposed to say.

"This white wasteland will be restored to what it once was when the silence of my insanity becomes more than a whisper," Error said. The voices started to laugh they laughed loudly mocking him but then the Antivoid started to wrap twist and turn on itself. Error smiled. The amount of control he got from his new voice. It was dangerous especially due to his newfound powers. He wanted to test the limits but there was nothing to test it on. Fate came down in her angry glory.

"YOU FILTHY MURDERER WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY VOID?" Fate screamed trying to grab him

"You can't touch me unless you feel the pain I carry by existing in blows," Error said and just as Fate tried did her hand get a sudden whiplash. She hissed in pain and it grew worse. Error smiled. His urge grew. The mark started to glow and Fate realized what had happened.

"Every blow I've ever gotten will be planted upon your body for every sin you have ever committed and in the future will commit," Error said as Fate started to scream. His urge was satisfied for now. He loved how this looked. how Fate screamed and begged. Error didn't care. He looked down a fate with a malicious Smirk. He did not know that Chaos stood behind him looking down at him proudly. He was like a proud dad looking at his child doing their biggest accomplishment. fate saw the two of them as more and more wounds. Eventually, she got enough power to teleport to the deity's heaven but it didn't stop. Karma looked down at the sobbing deity was a smile.

"Seems like Chaos did his job nicely," Karma said. The other Deities stared horrified at the scene. The eldest looked at Karma.

"Care to explain," He said. Karma told him the just of what had happened. Error looked at the Bloody poll in front of him.

"The blood of a sinner will stay in this newly made lake to test whenever one is a sinner or saint," Error said smiling as a constant stream fell from the sky. Chaos smiled. It would be a nice reminder to Fate of what she did.

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