mating ranks, gone wrong part 3

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The two alphas had taken care of Error while he was awake. They did their best to make sure he was comfortable so he could heal. Error was weak in the sense he still couldn't move or use magic but he could walk within the first week. Error was on strict bed rest. Not that he couldn't move but his mates were overprotective and wanted to make sure he was completely healed. They wouldn't risk him accidentally hurting himself accidentally. Meanwhile, everyone from the council had gotten together to form a new council with the purpose of finding and healing the person they wrongfully harmed. Dream even came to Nightmare's hideout and asked for help but he was attacked by his brother who was more aggressive than he usually would be. It made the light prince suspicious. Nightmare told both his mates that they had to be wary because of Dream.

"Night your brother defended me a lot after they found out I was an omega," Error told them. Nightmare looked at his mate, almost shocked. He had not expected for dream to defend his enemy. Reaper looked at his mate and felt the sadness from the smaller. Reaper gently comforted the smaller but so did Nightmare. Error just smiled up at them.

"Did he hurt you?" Reaper asked carefully. Error looked at them.

"Not after they found out what mating rank I had. He tried to convince everyone that something was manipulating me or forcing me to destroy," Error said. Nightmare kissed Error's forehead trying to calm down his mate who was close to a panic attack.

"Don't worry. they won't be able to hurt you here," Nightmare whispered and Reaper let out a low purr. Their love shouldn't have unnecessary stress. Their little flower quickly recovered.

"Lotus, do you want to cuddle?" Reaper asked. Lotus was a nickname that they gave him and he adored it. It always filled the omega with butterflies whenever he heard it. He loved the nickname and his mates knew. Nightmare gently nuzzled against Error and summoned something. He placed something in front of Error's mouth and Error slowly opened his mouth. The soft taste of dried fruit-filled his mouth. Error purred at the taste especially when Nightmare placed a piece of chocolate in there. The day quickly passed and night approached Nightmare didn't let Error dream because he didn't want to let the smaller be connected to his brother. He didn't want Dream to know that Error was with them. Reaper gently held the smaller against his chest.

"Should we let him soul-bond with us?" Reaper asked. Nightmare looked at Reaper.

"It's illegal for a reason," Nightmare said. He massaged the scalp of his sleeping love. reaper looked at Nightmare.

"It's illegal due to the emotional pain the remaining mate will go through when one of them dies, but also because if someone forces a soul-bond it will kill the omega," Reaper said and nuzzled against his mate. Nightmare looked at Reaper.

"Explain to me why you want a soul-bond then," The prince demanded. The merciful being smiled.

"If lotus makes it will it be a strong connection we can use to know whenever he is in pain. Both physically and mentally and if we ever want children then we won't have to conceive it through sex. He will also be able to tell exactly what we are feeling and where we are, but this doesn't work the other way around," Reaper said and held his mate closer. Nightmare looked at reaper.

"We will not have a soul-bond," Nightmare said. Reaper shrugged and slowly nuzzled Error. Nightmare wouldn't even want to place the burden of his sorrow on Error's shoulders. Not when Error has been through so much. His flower was meant to blow into something beautiful, not wither away. Error smiled softly in his sleep. It was dreamless but he was content. Both alphas laid down and decided to sleep but Nightmare couldn't sleep soundly. He worried that his brother had figured something out. He couldn't sleep and his omega could sense that. Error curled up to the worried Alpha in his sleep causing Nightmare to smile. Nightmare eased up falling asleep at his lover's embrace. The very next morning was Dream back this time however was reaper the one who answered the door. Reaper took one look at the other and slammed the door but Dream stayed there shocked that reaper was there. Nightmare looked at Reaper.

"Nightmare your brother is at the door," Reaper said. Nightmare looked at Error.

"I'll go and kick him out of the AU," Nightmare said but Error stopped his alpha.

"I want to thank him for standing up for me," Error said. Both mates looked at him and so did the rest of the gang.

"You sure?" Nightmare asked only to receive a nod. The dark mate thought for a moment but sighed.

"Fine, I will let him in," Nightmare said. He walked towards the door and opened it to find a shocked Dream.

"Get in here before I change my mind," Nightmare hissed. Dream walked in still in shock and was led to what appeared to be a living room with Nightmares gang looking at him ready to murder him. Reaper sat beside someone And dream was lost for words when he saw who it was. Nightmare stood beside him.

"One wrong word and you are out," He hissed so silently that only Dream heard. Dream gulped and walked over to a couch facing opposite of the rest of them. He was being stared down by so many but he didn't care. He had a hard time getting over that Error was sitting in front of him no longer suffering from Tsuta. Not only that but the vine tattoos and flower pupils. So many things had changed and the others didn't seem to notice. Error had tattoos similar to Ink's. They were the patterns of blooming ivy. Error Also had more realistic-looking tearmarks.

"How? I thought It was impossible to cure Tsuta," Dream said. Nightmare Glared at Dream.

"Well I'd rather not tell you," Error said. His voice was smooth and suited him. Dream looked at Error then as soft tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for everything," Dream apologized. Error looked at him confused.

"I'm so sorry we never knew about the limited space o-" Dream was cut off when ivory wrapped around his mouth.

"Don't start with that bullshit, you are too late. Sorry, can't fix a demolished building and definitely not a broken soul. I want to thank you for standing up for me so now please leave," Error said. Dream understood he got up and left through a portal. Error sighed as he leaned against his mates. He didn't want to deal with apologies right now. Cross left before returning from the kitchen with a little something for everyone. He brought out a tray filled with milkshakes. Each of them knew which one of the drinks was theirs and took it. It was an act that made everyone happy. Cross was an Alpha and he and Killer had a love-hate relationship as Killer was an Omega but no one knew if they were together for the affectionate part or for the sake of having a mate. It definitely wasn't love. Nightmare decided to put on a movie and relax with everyone. They didn't want to talk about what had just happened. Error was grateful that his mates didn't push him to talk about it. Dream returned to the council with the news that Error had been healed but the Prince refused to tell anyone where he was or anything other than he was healed. Time passed a few years and things had settled down. The council had desperately searched for Error after Dream had told them about Error. It caused chaos but the three mates had not been found even once. Reaper pretended to look for Error too to avoid suspicion but people gave up. Error had asked if he could soulbond and eventually talked Nightmare over to having a bond. It was because Error didn't feel safe and the bond helped with that. It helped soothe his anxiety. Currently, was all three of them are sitting in outertale alone and happy. They looked up the sky and error rambled on about the constellations. Reaper laid back and tried to find the constellation that Error talked about while. Nightmare licensed more to what was actually said. It was nice and everyone was content

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