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"Blue what the hell are you doing?" Ink asked. he controlled his anger despite it being hard. Blue stood in front of the destroyer with a mallet. He looked at the countcil was absolute disgust. He took the hand of the destroyer and forced the small skeleton to stand beside him."I'm showing you what you are too blind to see," He said as he picked up the tiny skeleton. Some people gasped."The destroyer is a fucking infant and you mercilessly beat him daily," Blue said as the child hid his face in Blue's shirt. Blue gently hushed the terrified child."Why does a child destroy then?" Ink asked. Blue placed the mallet with the head down and showed them the strings around the child's wrists. "Simple he is being used as a puppet controlled by a higher being forced to kill. You know, Ink, You actually killed the last destroyer so the last destroyer's newborn was forced to take on the job," Blue said with so much disgust in his voice. He let the arm go and grabbed his mallet again. the child clutched Blue's shirt. "Why would anyone do that?" He asked."Simple, your mother doesn't want to tell you about the balance between creation and destruction. There is a balance, ink. It's so similar to the one between positivity and negativity," Blue said the toddler tightened his grip on Blue. Blue smiled at the child."Everything will be fine I promised that to you and Will keep that promise," Blue whispered to the scared child."Wait Fate is this cruel?" Ink asked. The next thing they knew was that Blue was diced up. He dusted as soon as the dices fell to the ground. The toddler held onto his shirt and cried he clutched the shirt as heavy tears left his traumatized eyes. Error clutched the scarf of Blue. Ink and Dream ran to the toddler trying to get him away from the traumatizing scene. Dream gently picked him up but he was scared he thought they killed Blue after all he had his dad's memories. He knew they would kill anyone that defied their orders. The toddler scooted away from them terrified."We didn't do this," Dream said. The toddler kept on trying to get up and get away but he couldn't. Gardenrtale sans Lilly pushed Dream away and kneeled in front of the child. He gently reached out for the child who cried heavily. The toddler didn't trust him. "Look kid I'll keep the others away from you but I need you to calm down," Lilly said. The toddler was panicking but Lilly kept his words. Slowly The toddler was just crying his eyes out. It hurt Not only because Fate was tightening the strings to be unbearable but he also lost his adoptive mother. Lilly walked over to him and hugged the crying skeleton but then noticed how strings were cutting deep into his bones. "Ink, get me a scissor as fast as you can," Lilly yelled. Ink painted a scissor and slide it to Lilly who cut the strings. He gently peeled the bloody strings off of the child's bones. Lilly held his child who passed out from all the crying. Lilly gently picked up the kid and walked to Medic."The strings behind me were about two cm into his bones even his skull can you do something?" Lilly asked as he gave The sleeping toddler to Medic. Medic went to his AU and did his best to help the 3-year-old child. They fixed his mangled body. Medic then brought the sleeping child to Lilly."We can't have her wake in the hospitale as she will be terrified," Medic said. Lilly nodded taking the small body before stopping and turning to medic."So our last destroyer had a baby girl he never got to meet?" Lilly asked. "Supposedly," Medic said. Lilly sighed but took the little girl to his home AU. His brother was happy to have a small child to take care of and spoil but it simply wasn't that easy. The child woke in this unfamiliar room and quickly hide only for Lilly to walk in."Everything will be okay. You are going to stay with me for a while so please come downstairs when you are ready," Lilly said. The toddler stayed hidden for about a week with both Lilly and Bloom the papyrus of the AU speaking to her. She got out of her hiding spot and walked downstairs despite it being hard for her malnourished self. She came to the stairs only for Lilly to greet her quietly and guide her to the kitchen where she was given soft food. She ate slowly but only a very small part of the portion. "Don't you want more?" Lilly asked. She just shocks her head no. She wanted nothing. Nothing other than her mom back. She sat wanted to crawl back to her room but she fainted. She woke to monitors beeping and she was scared. She opened her eyes and wanted to hide when all she saw was a bright white light. She freaked out only to be held down. She looked up to meet Lilly's eyes and cried."You're safe. You passed out so I took you to a place that would find out why and help you," He said. She didn't trust the situation. He gently hugged the small being and let her go soon after. Lilly gently took her arm. She saw different tubes going into it. Lilly explained what they were for to the best of his abilities. Medic soon came and smiled as he saw the girl warm up to her adoptive parent. Lilly had officially adopted her. Medic explained the tubes that Lilly couldn't and also told them that they could leave once the toddler had eaten. Lilly then looked at the child."So I have a question for you. What is your name?" Lilly asked. She looked down and started to cry heavier."s-scaw-let," She cried out in a weak voice. Lilly nodded and hugged her closer."It's okay to cry scarlet. I promise you everything will be okay," Lilly said as he comforted the child. Soon medic entered with something. It was one of Blue's scarves. Blue always wore two. One was his original bandana the second one as something Scarlet's dad made for him a scarf. She got the scarf and hugged it tightly. She hugged it tightly Lilly gently wrapped it around her as she cried. She held it closely crying as the warmth engulfed her. Lilly gently placed her back on the bed as she tried to wrap the last part of the scarf around her. Lilly helped her and she was completely wrapped up in it. Medic came in with a tray filled with soft food and she slowly ate it but as little as possible. Medic noticed."Please eat it all I know you are hungry and the portion is smaller than I would have wanted," Medic said Scarlet slowly ate but I took her an hour to finish. They were allowed home only for scarlet having to be carried to bed. She lived with them for three years and saw them as her family but Fate wasn't happy. She made a freak accident so they died. Scarlet looked at their bodies horrified as heavy tears left her face. Again she was quickly removed from the scene. She was broke again and this time she didn't warm up to anyone. She stayed cold to everyone. Ink was beyond pissed at his mother's wrongdoings. He took the child under his wing and told his mother that if she wanted to harm the child further then she would have to hurt him. Ink kept the child safe and happy to the best of his abilities. Ink absolutely spoiled his kid. He gave her everything he thought she would want and so much more. Ink was in a relationship with Dream at the time and both parents showered the child with love. She warmed up to them but never trusted in them to protect her nor did she rely on them. They taught her how to fight and use her magic. She herself trained every night as she barely needed to eat or sleep. She had been with Ink and Dream for three years and Fate was pissed again. It looked like she was happy so Fate wanted to make her parents hate her. Dream was going to be in a freak accident but Scarlet had seen the signs and managed to get both of her parents out of the way. Scarlet looked up at the window panels that were falling towards her. She summoned a long sharp bone and forced it into the ground. The glass was penetrated but it didn't shatter. Scarlet broke the glass and jumped through the shattered pieces of glass and permanently damaged two of Fates fingers so she couldn't use those two to control fates. Fate was pissed and Ink understood he helped Scarlet teach his mother a lesson. In the end, Fate retreated after one of her hands lost its ability to change fates. Scarlet was scolded for doing something so reckless but praised for saving Dream's life.

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