Error the sole omega part 1

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Ink was looking at the council. Everyone has been called into a meeting. They knew it was about mating ranks as the message had said so resulting in everyone showing up. People were talking trying to figure out what exactly they had to discuss. Most guessed it was about the lack of omegas since there were none in the multiverse. Ink finally stood up and everyone got quiet.

"We've found an omega. Their blood has been tested. Their magic body and even mental stability. There is no doubt that they are an omega but none of you will believe who it is," Ink said. Everyone looked at him asking who it was.

"Error the destroyer of worlds is the only omega in the multiverse," Ink said. Chaos started in the meeting room. Everyone was yelling and screaming until fell got on the table and yelled with everything he could to drown out the yells and screams of everyone else.

"HOW THE HELL CAN WE BE SURE?" Everyone got quiet. All of them wanted an answer

"Because error is going through an oestrous cycle right now in one of our cells. That was how I found out," Ink said. Everyone knew what this meant. Most slumped down on their seats and even fell was defeated. He didn't need to see the destroyer to know. Everyone had noticed a different smell in the entire building that was the headquarters.

"Now we have to find out why he destroys," Sci said. He got up at the end of the table to a whiteboard.

"It's impossible for Omegas to do things simply for emotional reasons. He couldn't have killed or destroyed so many AU's unless someone was making him. Nor would he have been able to withstand the emotional and mental pain without someone being kind to him periodically reassuring even. Someone must be making him do this," Sci said scribbling things down on the board. It was things he had said on the battlefield. IT said 'I can't stop' 'Ink Only if you stop creating then I will end my path of destruction' 'I don't have a fucking choice' and so on.

"Any ideas?" Sci asked. Everyone looked over at him.

"Do you think that we would know them? They have been using error to do their dirty work so-" Dream was cut off.

"We are gonna get the answer out of error. It doesn't matter whether he was forced or not considering that he still killed more people than I can count," Ink said. Everyone stopped and looked at their creator in horror.

"He is the only omega. Ink we need him alive sane and healthy," Medic said. Ink sighed.

"I know and the only way we can ensure that is if we find out why he destroys. Give me a month and I'll have the answer," Ink said some protested others supported the idea. In the end, they voted for it and Ink was given permission to get the answer out of error. He placed Error in total isolation while in he waited out his oestrous cycle and kept him in isolation for a full week after. It took a toll on error's mental health and broke him. He had never been isolated like this before. Sure he had tried solitaire in the anti void but there he was never actually alone. The voices would yell and scream but here it was just quiet. He knew that they were watching him through a one-way mirror on the side of the wall; he just didn't know who they were. Sure he figured it was ink and the council but he didn't know for sure. The first few days were not so bad as he was in a lot of pain from his cycle but the longer he spend the darker his thoughts became and the more he would spiral. Ink came after the week and saw error picking at and chipping his bones. Error was staring at the door and when he saw ink he could cry with happiness. But he didn't let his weakness show.

"Error I'm only gonna ask you once. Why do you destroy and who is forcing you?" Ink asked. Error looked up not wanting to answer. Both answers could get him killed. Ink waited for a few minutes a selected group of the council was there to witness the interaction

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