what you believe is what you get

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"Error stop your rain of terror," Ink had yelled but the ever crying skeleton didn't move.

"What do you think is the reason I destroy?" The crying skeleton asked ignoring the fact the entire council was there.

"For fun because you are insane and want to see the multiverse gone why else?" Ink asked confused. Suddenly the skeleton's body morphed and suddenly everyone saw the deity of karma standing in front of them.

"Since that is what you think is the reason you'll get a destroyer that destroys for your delusional reasons," Karma said. He left and suddenly another Error. This Error was tall he had very few scars and looked less mangled than the last error they had.

"Looks like I was given a new playground," This Error said. The next thing anyone knew was that Classic was dead and the multiverse shaking. The Error they previously had was laying on the floor of the anti-void of the murderous Error his multiverse was given. Our error did not know he was reassigned to another multiverse. He looked up at the strings and souls that made the roof. He sat up and saw a box with all his belongings. He took his dolls and strung them up by the souls. It wouldn't be the first time Fate erased his dolls. Error brought them up but then felt something new. It felt like an AU being created but it didn't hurt at all in fact it felt like someone gently touching his soul as if the thing that was supposed to tell him was terrified that he would hurt it.

"Why would the multiverse be scared of me? It never was before," Error mumbled as he felt the multiverse check on him. What most people didn't know is that the multiverse is a living being that was dependant on its inhabitants to thrive. It's like cows being dependent on the bacteria in their stomach to help them digest. Error smiled confused when the multiverse made the anti void warmer and made it possible for him to cast shadows in the anti void. He smiled and gently caressed the floor of the anti void. What most people didn't know either is that the voids are the hearts of the multiverse. Error smiled at the warmth the multiverse was giving him and showing him. No one has done something so nice for him in many eons if they ever did. Error laid down wanting to rest a bit more thinking he could afford to do so. It seemed like fate was gone for a while since the Antivoide was nice to him and didn't yell at him.

"If the squid makes more than ten AUs can you wake me?" Error asked the Antivoid as he knew he could communicate with it.

"S-squid?" The anti-void asked confused.

"You know, Ink. the creator," Error said. what was with the anti-void today?

"O-oh," It said. Error shrugged it off as he fell asleep. He woke when he felt the Antivoid heat up to unbearable degrees but he has had worse. He sat up and actually thanked the void for waking him. He felt the multiverse softly caress his soul and it scared him. Error smiled softly not wanting to let his discomfort show. Although the Multiverse could clearly feel his fear didn't it mind. It took a physical form inside the anti-void. Error looked up surprised this being was much taller than the multiverse who pretended to be a deity and tortured him. He looked up afraid of what the woman would do. The multiverse looked like an adult core-frisk that was combined with slender. She was tall and towered over Error with a meter or more but everyone inside her was tall. The woman kneeled in front of her.

"I'm the multiverse you are currently inside. You were given to me and taken from your last multiverse while my Error had taken your place," She said. Error looked up confused.

"D-does that mean I failed?" He asked The multiverse smiled down sadly.

"No, it means that the creator and your multiverse failed you. You won and because you are here did you free me of the horrible destroyer I had before. Any scare I have is from him," The multiverse said and gently scooped up the destroyer. Error looked up at her.

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