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A small baby bitty was laying in Error's hand. The former destroyer's hollow eyes gently looked down on the sleeping paladin.

"His mother died during labor and we know how good you are at taking care of young lives," another skeleton said. It was blue but he had a scar going from the back of his head to the egde of his mouth. Error looked down at the little being. He would fail them as he failed his multiverse. He was sure of it.

"I will fail them," Error said. The skeleton was shocked. This was the first thing Error had said whilst there. The first thing Error had said in a decade. Error's own multiverse had collapsed because he had been sealed away and couldn't protect them. He always blamed himself. He never stopped. Even though they had tortured him time and time again, he failed them. They had hurt him so much and so badly. The other sanses in his new multiverse had sworn to kill the people willing to hurt a gentle monster such as Error. Blue looked at error who warmed the little life. Blue remembered the day he found Error. His entire body was one bloody mess that had slowly reassembled itself. Error had fallen through a portal into the meeting room of the council. everyone had been shocked with the mass of blood and bone fragments that fell through, and a nice chunk had screamed in horror but when the body reassembled? Horror was the only thing that could describe their faces. Medic had jumped into action and had brought the skeleton to his AU. It took a week before people got an update but when they did were they in for a long emotional rollercoaster. They learned that the skeleton was a destroyer from another multiverse. It shocked their Destroyer and creator who were twins. They were soo shocked that they made it their personal goal to protect the other. Medic had sighed as he took out a book. It had a few blood splashes but it was readable. The creator had been forced to read it all out loud for the council. There were crying cursing anger fighting and finally numbness. When Error woke in the hospital had he just looked up at the ceiling and ignored everyone and everything. He had laid there for five days unresponsive until there was a little kid that had walked into his room. The kid hid in there and a man walked in and asked if Error had seen a little girl. Instead of telling the man that the girl was in there did he tie him up as Error sensed that he was abusive. He blindfolded and gagged the man before getting up from his bed and going to the closet where the child was hiding. The little girl was scared but Error comforted the other and made small shapes out of his strands that made the girl laugh. She was staring in awe with her back turned to the man. a nurse walked in called security and error was pushed down but the girl told the guards that he protected her from her dad. Error smiled as the girl clung to him for protection. The guards let the injured skeleton go and he kept on distracting the child so she would see her dad get violently dragged away. He stitched a small flower into her dress. She smiled in awe at the blue string and looked at him with a big smile. That was until a nurse came and took her away. Medic had just arrived and got a rundown of what had happened. He was pleasantly surprised but instantly went to check on error to make sure his injuries didn't worsen. They were a lot worse because he got up. Error was bed written for a full month before he was allowed to sit in a wheelchair. He was driven around by medic and medic brought Error to the council where three of them told Error where he was what they knew about him and what their plan for him was.

Error looked at his little bitty again. He got up and got a bottle for the bitty. He gently woke the little kid and it was crying softly being moody from being woken up. Error gently fed the little kid. The kid was starving and even emptied the bottle but Error wouldn't give them more because if he was starving then big amounts of food would hurt the little one. It was fuzzy until the fullness hit them and Error burped them. The baby was fast asleep once again. Error sighed and held the kid. He returned to his room and found Blue gone but a small room from a dollhouse with a tiny heated crip and small toys and pacifiers were left in there. Error tugged the baby in and sighed. He decided to take care of it as there was no one else that could. He woke the kid every three hours and fed them. They also got a bath a day. The kid quickly grew under Error's care and suddenly they could crawl around and stand. That was when Blue returned. It had been three weeks. Blue smiled seeing the gid thriving and Error with life in his eyes. Blue had brought food for all three of them. He gave error a basket with things for the kid. Blue started to cook for the adults. He gave Error a plate of spaghetti and also plated for himself. The baby got a bottle while Error ate under blue's supervision. They all lived in blue's house. but blue was rarely home. he would return once a week at most to cook for them and check on Error. That was how it had been since they moved together. Error only ate when Blue was home. The baby was done and Error helped them burb.

"So have you found a name?" Blue asked. Error looked at him and then wrote down on a piece of paper. 'I shouldn't get to name them,' Blue sighed.

"Look you've taken care of him for three weeks. At least give him a temporary name," Blue said. Error looked at the baby bone that was softly gnawing at his bone. Error smiled at the baby bone that got bored of his hand and tried to climb it. Blue smiled himself and a soft tear left his eye as he saw the other smile. It was an expression. The baby managed to climb Error's hand and then it tried to stand did it fall but it didn't tumble down Error's arm as a small blue string held onto it. Error wrote a name for the little one.

"Bean?" Blue asked. 'it's only temprary' Error wrote back and brought the little one up to a pocket on his chest the kid was fussy but it was naptime. Blue sighed as he saw the baby move but eventually settle down.

"Paint asked if you want to come to the park later today," Blue said. Error just wrote yes. They left the house and error took the kid with him. They meet the creator and destroyer of the multiverse in the park both smiling as they saw the lump in Error's shirt pocket. It meant that their plan was working. It was confirmed once they saw the newfound life in Error's eyes. They knew just how little Error cared about himself and how he didn't have a reason to live so they gave him the bitty so that he would have a reason to live. A being that was solely depending on him for survival and it was working. Error kept close watch of the time as they enjoyed their time in the park. He stopped by a bench all of a sudden and took the baby out. It was feeding time. He summoned a small bottle and allowed the little one to feed. A soft look on his face but it wasn't a smile or an expression just a look. The others stopped to watch what he was doing and smiled. This was a much-welcomed change. They all knew what had happened to Error how he had been betrayed too many times and how he had been sealed away for something he never wanted to do. They looked at Error who was packing away the bottle and placed the bitty in a small carrier. Error was healing.

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