Drabbles 2

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A child was laying awake. He had been like that for a few hours now and he was hungry. He was about to cry as it was so uncomfortable. His hands were clenched around some kind of bars. The light in his room was suddenly turned on and his eyes tried to adjust to the light. He felt himself getting picked up. Someone cradled him in their arms. His eyes adjusted and he looked up at the one holding him. It was Classic. Classic carried him to the kitchen where a bottle was being heated. Classic took the bottle and gave it to the child who happily took it and began to drink. Classic smiles down at the child. It had just shown up on their doorstep cradled in a blanket with nothing else to shield it from the cold climate of snowdin. Papyrus was the one who found the child. He took it in and Now both had adopted him. The baby drank quickly. It was clear that he was very hungry. Classic looked at the clock. 4 am. He took out a notebook and wrote the time. He felt the child let go of the bottle and found it empty. He noted how much the child ate. Classic burbed the child and walked back to its room to put it back to sleep. He turned off the light and walked back to his room to get a few more hours of sleep. The child held into the bars of what he was laying on again. He kept holding it until the light was turned on again. He looked up and saw the original papyrus. He was picked up and changed into other clothing. He didn't mind. Papyrus spoke to the child.

"You are quite cute tiny skeleton, but it would be nice if you showed emotions," Papyrus said. The child didn't say anything. He was given another bottle so he happily ate again. This milk solution tasted a little like chocolate. He finished that bottle quickly and was smiling. He was happy. Papyrus was shocked to see the baby smile.

"Sans," He yelled quietly. Classic came running down and saw the baby smile. He was as happy as his brother. They started to smile two as the baby started making noise. He was trying to say something, that was obvious. The child was frustrated. His none existing tongue was too big for him to form proper words. He started to be fussy. Papyrus tried to calm him.

"Well this is a nice change," Classic commented. The kid was now angry and summoned his tongue just to bite it. Both papyrus and classic dreaded the screams of an angry child that they thought would come but it didn't. The kid was just grumpy.

"At least we know what he is feeling," Classic said and took the kid. The child grabbed Classic's jacket.

"Chafsik," The child tried again. He really tried. Classic understood.

"Where have you heard my nickname?" He asked the baby. The baby just looked at him proudly for managing to make him understand. Classic looked at the child and smiled.

"Wait was he trying to say classic?" Papyrus asked. The baby nodded shocking both of the adults.

"Can you spell?" Classic asked. The little one nodded. They gave him a pencil and a piece of paper and sat him in a high chair that they had bought.

"Do you have a name?" Papyrus asked. The baby wrote. 'I don't know'

"Do you have any memories like memories from your past life or something like that?" Classic asked. The baby thought but then wrote. 'Beautiful stars screams and then nothing but pain and darkness.' Classic's eyes went out for a moment.

"Brother is something wrong?" Papyrus asked.

"He fell into the void," Classic said. The baby clutched his head and cried. It hurts. It hurt him so badly. Both brothers stared horrified as wounds started to open themselves on the smaller's body and slowly heal into scars. Classic quickly got the child and hurried to Sci's lab. He walked in on medic and Sci giving Ink a medical exam. Sci took one glance at the child before he took it and stabilized it.

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