Know nothing

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Error sat in his void. He only ever left to destroy. He did not know anything other than destruction and whatever the voices told him. He hated leaving his void as whenever he did he would be overwhelmed and hurt by what he assumed were things. He never left if he could help him but he would be thrown out and not allowed back if he didn't destroy. He was sitting there not wanting to leave he didn't care about the insults. Sure they hurt him just as bad as all the beatings he took but he wouldn't be overwhelmed in his void. Everything was as it usually was but then he saw colors a few colors in his void. It was one of the things that hurt him. Dream looked at the merciless destroyer. Said destroyer just sat in front of him almost studying him. Dream was standing completely still. The destroyer was in front of him and he couldn't fight him alone. He waited patiently for the destroyer to do something, anything other than look at him.

"What is that?" Error asked pointing at Dreams jacket. Dream was confused and pointed at his jacket to confirm. Error gave a nod

"It's a blue and yellow jacket?" Dream was really confused.

"Blue and yellow," Error muttered. then he said jacket. Dream looked confused. He did something daring and slowly approached Error as in approaching a wild animal.

"You know that Blue and Yellow is right?" He asked. Error shook his head no. Dream sat in front of him.

"they ere colors. The color here is blue the one here is Yellow," Dream explained while pointing at the colors.

"What are colors?" Error asked. Dream could feel his curiosity and was confused, but then the voices started to insult Error, and Dream slowly pieced things together.

"Have you always been here?" Dream asked. Error nodded. Dream thought for a bit but then another Portal opened and out stepped Ink.

"DESTROYER RELEASE DREAM!" Ink screamed Dream stood up walked over to Ink and placed a hand on his shoulder the voices were still screaming shocking Ink.

"He has apparently always been here and never left the antivoid. I can sense he is not lying but We'll have to check him before we do anything," Dream said. He slowly walked over to the destroyer again.

"Okay I'm going to do something that will feel weird just stay calm," Dream said. He pulled out the destroyer's soul almost throwing up at the sight but quickly checked him so he wouldn't have to look at it. The screen appeared.

Error ############

Attack ???

Defence ???

Knows nothing about anything.

Is easily overwhelmed.

It's a mystery how they are alive.

Is forced to do indescribable things.

Dream and Ink looked at the states horrified. This was so sad.

"Ink We are taking him with us home," Dream said. He walked over to Error as the voices realized they were about to lose their plaything.

"So Error," Ink started but Error didn't respond and they realized he didn't know that was his name. Dream kneeled.

"So wanna leave this place and never return?" Dream asked. Error looked up.

"yes, but whenever I leave everything is kinda weird sometimes there is nothing despite me leaving," They didn't quite understand but tried anyways.

"We'll help you and figure it out," Dream promised. He guided Error without touching him and Ink made a portal to a room with very few new things for Error. He walked in and was curiously examining the bed of the room. He just looked and nothing more as he wasn't sure if he could touch it. Ink sighed looking at the sad sight but Dream thought about something.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now