Bill and Hates omega

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Error looked up at Bill and Hate. He had tears streaming down his face. A face that showed desperation and sadness. He looked at them looking rather pathetic for a destroyer of worlds. He wore proper clothing and was clean. He was smaller than the two in front of him and had a floral pattern adorning his bones as if they were tattooed. A set of Big Black wings hung behind him tiredly. The black feathers were rather dull and a bit greasy. Error's own body while clean it was obvious he had not taken proper care of it. He wore a lovely backless dress that went around his neck and all the way to his ankles.

"Please Tell me what I did to be hated by the two of you," Error begged them. Both looked at him coldly but Hates glare softened as he walked towards their shared omega. Bill too softened at that. Hate gently placed a hand under the other's cheek gently caressing it like he once did. The smaller started to tear up again only for Hate to wipe it. Bill went and stood beside Hate and placed his hand on Error's other cheek. The Omega looked up at both.

"We're sorry for neglecting you and ignoring you like that but the council..." Hate didn't finish as he could see the fear in Error's eyes.

"They know you're healed and back. Hate and I were scared that they would come here and take you and well we were too busy with that to properly take care of you,"  Bill finished and both pulled the smaller closer. Error threw himself at them sobbing loudly. The two Alphas shared a glance. A single look that told more than a picture ever could. A hand gently trawled along Error's spine gently caressing it.

"It's okay. It's not your fault," Bill said softly. Error laid limply against them just hugging both of them.

"Let's get you a bath and groom your wings," Hate said. He gently picked up their shared mate and carried him to a bathroom. The smaller was undressed and placed in a bathtub. Bill took off his shirt and so did hate both not wanting to be soaked. Both took a cloth and placed a slice of soap in it. Error looked at them and reached for the faucet but Bill glared at him with a low growl and turned it on himself. The smaller felt bad and was shrinking into the tub feeling horrible. Hate wet his cloth and softly started to rub Error's bones. The smaller looked up at them almost unsure and maybe a bit scared. Bill's gaze finally softened completely as he looked at that smile. He loved the gentle expression and leaned in giving his omega a small kiss on his cheek. Error had a small blush on his face. It had been too long since they last showed him this kind of affection. Slowly the tub filled and the faucet was turned off. The two alphas slowly washed their omega rubbing at his dirty bones and massaging them while Error made sure to not have a limp in the way of where they were cleaning.

"Did you not clean yourself within the last year?"  Hate asked softly. Error looked down ashamed.

"I did but..." Error trailed off. Error curled up a bit. He was on the verge of tears as Hate started cleaning error's wings. Bill placed a hand under the other's chin making the smaller look at him though he didn't like the mix of fear and sadness the other displayed on his face.

"But what? If you don't talk to us then we can't figure out what's wrong," Bill said concern evident on his face and in his tone.

"I stopped 2 months ago. I'm sorry," Error said as tears started rolling down his cheeks once again. Bill signed but a soft smile found its way onto his otherwise cold face.

"Don't apologise. This is our fault," Bill said and pulled the other into a hug. He didn't care that he was getting wet. His omega needed this. The smaller hugged back tearing up again in the other's arms. He missed this soo much. Just being loved by them. Hate smiled at the two as he gently cleaned the wings of his love. Bill kissed the other once and continued to bathe the smaller. Soon his body was completely clean but his wings were still a bit of a mess. They were too big for him to groom himself so they have been completely neglected lately. Error was sitting on the floor with a soft towel covering him as his wings were stretched out behind him. They were the most beautiful wings that any sans would ever see if they were lucky enough to actually see them. Error shivered softly as he was getting cold. Both noticed but none of the Alphas went to do something about it. Error's wings needed proper grooming before they would fetch him a set of clothing for him. It took about an hour for them to completely groom them but it was worth it. They were back to their beautiful and shiny selves. Hate went to Error and picked him up softly cradling the smaller. His omega was emotionally exhausted and clinging to Hate not wanting to be left on his own again. Bill looked at the two and followed to Error's room. He chose an outfit for Error. The smaller one was not allowed to choose for himself. He was dressed in a fluffy hoodie with sweatpants. The hoodie had holes for his wings even though said wings could fit into the gigantic hoodie. All three were soon laying in their shared bed. The smaller was sandwiched between them and fast asleep.

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