Drabbles 3

767 18 1

Hate sans

Error looked around the darkness. He couldn't see and despite being able to. He could hear perfectly fine even better than normal people but it would hurt. All his senses worked perfectly fine but were too sensitive for him to not be constantly overwhelmed. He could taste the different nuances of air. He could smell a rose that was five kilometers away. Hear the creaking of skeletons moving from 10 kilometers away. The cold pressure of the air in the anti void made it feel like his body was on fire. Every breath felt like he was getting stabbed. He heard a portal being opened. He heard the sound of bones moving towards him he didn't know who it was until they turned to dust and reassembled right in front of him. The familiar skeleton kneeled in front of him and gently hugged him. The skeleton sat down beside Error and gently pulled the fragile skeleton into his lap.

"Sorry for taking so long," Hate said as he took out a few rolls of bandages. He wrapped them around Error's head. He also covered the bandages that covered Error's eyes and gave them multiple layers. Error smiled as the cold stopped hurting him as badly. Hate placed a dust mask on Error's face. The mask would help make the air he was breathing warmer. Error wore many layers of clothing to prevent him from freezing and feeling pain. Error was completely covered now. No part of his body was exposed to the air. Hate smiled softly and lifted the weak skeleton. He had to move Error to his Void. Error wasn't safe anymore. Ink and the countcil were searching for him everywhere. They had just searched Hate's void and now he was cleared. He brought the fragile skeleton back there and locked his void so no one could leave or enter without him inviting them. Glitches were infesting every part of the multiverse and while the Council could hold them off did they need Error to finish the job. The deities had told them that Error existed to get rid of the glitches, but they had harmed him. He was no longer able to do his job because of how badly they had harmed him. The thing is it was a nerve poison that did the job and they had the antidote but they couldn't find Error. Hate knew they were searching but not why. Error clung to his friend. Hate took them to his void. Everything was warmer and it wasn't as bright. Error smiled softly as he was placed on something soft. It was a gigantic memory foam pillow. A small tent-like structure covered the pillow to keep in the warmth. Error laid on his back and snuggled into the pillow. Hate smiled, placed a gentle kiss on Error's forehead, and snuggled into the broken skeleton. Hate had joined Nightmare's gang. It was simply to get resources to protect Error. The council had gotten Nightmare's gang to help them search resulting in Hate had better access to most resources. Hate sighed as his cellphone vibrated. He left the tent and sipped it before picking it up.

"We are going to search the Anti void and you better be there," Nightmare said and hung up. Hate left Error and searched the antivoid with everyone else. That was until he was suddenly shoved to the ground and placed in magic restraints.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING JACKASSES?" Hate screamed. Nightmare kicked him in the side.

"Bill told us that you knew Error was. Tell us or else we will beat it out of you," Nightmare said. Hate turned to dust and fleed the restraints.

"All of you are nuts for believing in that compulsive liar," Hate said and left before they could do anything again. He rushed back to his void only to see everything as it should be. He opened the tent and Error was laying exactly as he was left. Hate smiled and gently brought the frail skeleton to his chest comforting him.

"s o m e t h i n g w r o n g ?" Error asked quietly. Hate held the skeleton closer.

"Only that people know that I have you," Hate said and hugged the small skeleton closer. Error sighed.

"T h e v o-" Error was cut off.

"I won't throw you in the void unless it's the last possible option," Hate said. Error went still. It was almost as if he was crying.

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