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This will be confusing at first but I'll explain later

A Metting was being held. Ink had all the countries assembled to discuss the future of two specific district leaders. Dream and Nightmare.

"So we are here to discuss the usage of the death penalty in the districts being ruled by Nightmare and Dream and possibly find ethical solutions to discuss whenever or not to continue to have it," Ink announced. Classic just looked at them not really bothering to be active in the conversation. Nightmare made a point to say that it was the people of each district that should vote to see if they want the death penalty removed or not as they did in all the other districts. Dream however staid quiet. Soon different

representatives agreed to make a vote on the matter and the attention was on Dream.

"Dream as we just discussed death penalties are unethical but you don't even give inmates the date of death. What do you have to say in defense?" Ink asked. Dream took a deep breath.

"It's always how we have punished murderers. I also made an investigation and found that 93% of my population supports the punishment," Dream said.

"Dream just because the population supports it doesn't mean it's a good idea," Ink said and held the bright of his nose.

"Maybe but I have the people's support to continue with the punishment," Dream said. Classic looked up at that.

"Usually your arguments are better so what is going on?" Classic asked. Dream sighed.

"I wasn't going to tell anyone about this until They were saner but I guess it can't be helped," Dream sighed.

"What do you mean?" Ink asked.

"Rememer the glicht war? well, I found where they originated and found that they had corrupted an entire hidden district and mentally broke the representatives from birth to set their plan in action. The representatives have their rules so deeply engraved into their soul that if they break them no matter if Someone forces them to break them or they just do it will a suicide attempt be guaranteed," Silence. Dream summoned a picture of the representant and placed it on a big screen. There was no doubt that it was a representative the features were on point. He was a skeleton like all of them. He was small his bones black and had blue tearmarks going down over his checks. The back of his skull had a beautiful pattern that made his statues obvious. All of them were born with patterns on the back of his skulls. The black skeleton's mark was white while it was black for everyone else.

"What the hell happened?" Ink said.

"I don't know exactly what happened but I know that the glitches that attacked the multiverse are responsible. Remember that they executed people that opposed them or even spoke badly about them? Well, they used this representative to kill them and only feed them if they killed. Now they can't eat without having to do it. They try and kill themself knowing that what would happen to them would be worse than death," Dream said. Everyone stared in shock.

"We need to get him help," Ink stated

"I've tried for about five years now they can't leave the room I found them in they fear touch and anything new. I tried to make an exact copy of their room and moved them there but they instantly noticed the difference. I've tried everything and I think the only way to get them out of the room and get them to eat is if a glitch orders them to do so," Dream said. Silence fell on the council room. Then murmur.

"Dream Take Classic Blue and Medic with you to see them. Meetings dismissed," Ink said. The three representatives walked up to dream. They came to the run-down building and walked in. Dream came to the room and walked in. They saw a starved skeleton sitting in a corner. Dream slowly approached them as they observed every movement dream made. He stopped about a meter from the skeleton.

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