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Error sat in the anti void. Alone. It wasn't much of a void after the truce but still. Error was crying. Why? you may ask. Well, he had planned a birthday party and invited all his friends. They were invited to the park Ink had made in the anti void. Error had written the exact coordinates of the park and even placed his strings throughout the anti void with arrows pointing towards the Park. If someone got lost they could follow the strings but They clearly didn't care enough to even come to the anti void. And those who didn't have an AU and lived in the antivoid's village didn't care either. It was clear. They didn't care about him even though they claimed they did. They just wanted him to stop destroying. Error left. The party was supposed to start two hours ago so just being late wouldn't cut it. Error hadn't even heard a thing from them. They just ghosted him. Error went to ociantale. He took out his phone and texted everyone that the party was canceled because no one showed up after 2 hours and left his phone on the beach. He stared longingly at the water and walked towards it. He just walked into the water and continued even when he was submerged. Error felt the dizziness of drowning. It made him almost drunk but he wouldn't know as he can't get drunk by regular means. He continued to walk and found a cave where he settled in. He sat there waiting to black out because of lack of air. He didn't feel the overwhelming sadness anymore. It dulled his emotions and made his survival instinct take over. He passed out down there. He woke the next day but he could breathe under water. He cursed his ability to evolve while he slept. Error looked at his feet and found webbing between his fingers and toes. It was ecto webbing meaning he could dismiss it whenever he pleased. Error swam back to the beach and found his phone. He hoped that people would have answered but not a single one did. He returned home feeling hopeless, but he hadn't expected his house to have been trashed. He walked in and it was destroyed. That hurt. Error left he couldn't bear it. He walked to outertale and found his favorite spot. He was once again lost for word as he saw that it had been vandalized. He finally let tears slide but then it hit him. He didn't have any responsibilities anymore so he could go on and kill himself without worrying about the balance. Error walked to the edge of the cliff that made his favorite spot. He was done. He couldn't take it. He felt numb yet so hurt. He stood by the edge and leaned forwards. Error cried as he fell into the void. They had ruined him. Meanwhile, everyone waited at the park. Error was nowhere to be found which shocked everyone. It was quite unusual as Error never missed anything. He had everything typed in on a calendar. People started to get worried and began to look for him they found his house trashed and started panicking. They went to his favorite spot where they found his phone and the place trashed. They found the calendar to be one day early. Also, a tone failed to deliver messengers. They quickly figured out what had happened there. They saw a drafted text to Ink.' I get you hate me but trashing up my house and favorite spot is just adding salt to a wound, but don't worry you won't have to pretend that you like me anymore,' It didn't take long for Everyone to figure it out. Error woke up in the void and screamed. It sure did hurt. It was pure agony fate had actually done this to him before it did and would always hurt to be pulled apart and put back together. He wasn't found by anyone and never would be found. Destiny had seen the monument that had been made for Error but the statue lost its face and everyone forgot about Error. Everyone but the deities who all wondered what happened to him. Error knew that he was forgotten as he could see everything in the multiverse at all times. a century passed and Error didn't know. He didn't get used to it; he never could. but one thing did happen: he was no longer being put back together. Another passed and error was forgotten by everyone; his soul still existed in the void but it would be like taking a single specific grain of salt from an ocean. He wouldn't be found. they had to know exactly where he was for him to be found. but no one did. Karma knew Error was stuck in the void but not where and he just had to accept that Error was forever lost in the sufferings brought by the void

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