Soul eaters

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A black skeleton sat in a cage made from his magic. He looked at the stars in outertale as everyone tried to attack him and insult him. Error had ignored it or tried but every word cut deeper than knives. He had tears going down his cheeks but no one saw them. Error stood up and turned to the people calling and wishing him dead.

"you want me dead so fucking badly? Then fine but let me tell you something first," Error said.

Dream sat in the temple of the deities he begged for a civil way to solve this. A way to bring peace without any more bloodshed. A small light from the corner caught his attention.

"GO AHEAD MURDERER KILL YOURSELF IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS," Ink had yelled. Error took off his scarf and everything quieted down. Heavy and thick chains were welled into his bone. He removed the protective cage, making everyone aware that what they saw was true.

Dream walked towards the corner and found a decorated wall with faces some had featured some without. The faces surrounded the words.

'The people who were born to suffer live to suffer and forced to die suffering can only be saved by demons bringing their soul to their dead body after the living separated the two'

"I never wanted to destroy but if I refuse will the chains holding my body use me as a puppet and force me," Error said and took off his jacket and shoes. Chains were welded onto his ankles and wrists they were stretched but turned transparent a good 30 cm from his body.


Dream saw a face and gasped. It was Error's face being made. Nightmare's and his gang's faces surrounded Error's He rushed to Outertale and gasped as the chains tightened and were suddenly dragging Error to the void. Error smiled as this happened but Dream didn't want Error to suffer for all eternity. Dream made Error's soul blue trying to save him. He Yelled at what he had seen and others tried to help but the result was that Error's soul was ripped from his body painfully. Error screamed in pain as it happened until his body dusted into the void. Dream held the suffering soul on only then did he realize what he had done. He was the reason Error would never get peace. Dream held the soul, brought the sanses to the temple, and showed them the wall. Ink had created a soul container for errors soul. They all read it and wondered if What Error had told them was actually a lie. Reaper walked over to Dream.

"I've actually seen a demon like those mentioned here they are pure nightmare fuel," Reaper said. Blue groaned while others scolded him for making jokes in a sacred place like this. Reaper sighed.

"But in all honesty they are horrifying. They have souls in their stomachs and feed off their sufferings while taking the appearance of something or someone that has personal value to the soul it's about to devour," Reaper said. Everyone just stared at him. They left and just as the last soul left did the marble doors shut tightly behind them something that hasn't happened in years.

me"Reaper that joke of yours offended the deities," Blue said seriously and death glared at Reaper. Reaper looked at Blue apologetically. They went back to the base and left Error's soul in the living room. They held a meeting until they saw a crash. They ran into the living room and saw what looked like the original Chara crying bloody tears. The child opened its mouth as it grabbed the soul. Claws gently held the soul and sharp shark-like teeth were visible. It tried to eat the soul but reaper cut of the arm causing the creature to take its real form. A deer standing on two legs with claws and long sharp teeth stood in front of them and attacked Reaper but he pushed it through a portal. Dream gently took the shaking soul and held it to his chest. Error wanted comfort after that experience and Dream gave that. The soul container was broken but Error's soul was stable on its own. It just softly floated around the mangled yellow soul started to follow people around seeing hearing and sometimes helping them. The soul hoped that if it did a good enough job it would be granted relief from all the pain it felt. If it would cry or scream it would but it couldn't. Error was never alone as long as he wasn't alone would he be safe from those monsters. Error especially stayed with Dream as He thought that Dream was punishing him. Dream just thought that he was the favorite of the bunch. Error was resting on Dreams head on this particular day. Flying everywhere was exhausting but he didn't want to use the soul incubator Sci had made for him. Dream sighed and gently took the soul.

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