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Error was laying on his stomach in the anti void. He was numb. For 14 eons had the world tortured him. It burned him, drowned him, cut him, chopped off body parts but one thing it never touched was his virginity. That was until yesterday. Fate had decided that he wasn't allowed to keep that one thing that no one had touched. His body was a scarred mess, his soul looked even worse but he never had any kind of sexual interaction before. She had taken control of the star sanses body and forced them to touch him, to take that one thing from him. That one thing he had managed to keep for so long. He didn't move as he remembered what they had done he felt ink create. Of course, he would still create. He wasn't the one that had been raped. Error didn't bother he didn't move, just curled up on himself trying to keep the voices out. He felt someone open a portal to his void but he didn't care as they opened it incredibly far away from him. He just stayed curled up the voices left him and he was grateful for that. He didn't need for them to call him names the stare sluts had called him. He didn't wanna listen to them while his mind was this vulnerable. A sudden pain shot through his neck and he couldn't help but relax. He was paralyzed. He started to panic not knowing who did this to him. He tried to do anything but couldn't as he felt someone use blue magic on his eyelids and closed them. His breath increased in frequency as his soul pounded. Please just leave him. He needed to heal from yesterday. He felt someone place a piece of fabric on his eyes and covered his ears. He crashed after that. When he woke he was surrounded by warmth he still couldn't move hear or see but this was comforting. The warmth covered every centimeter of his body, even his head. He settled down not knowing how long until it would get ripped from him. It was a tight fit and he felt slightly squeezed in whatever surrounded him and brought him warmth. It comforted him and gave him a sense of safety. Errors biggest weakness was that he would trust anything that brought him comfort.that is why he didn't fight it even though he was squeezing him. Even though he couldn't move, hear, or see. Dream cries sensing the comfort and sense of safety this brought error. He looked through the glass to error's new room and saw him completely rolled up tightly in three layers of blankets and a sleeping bag outside the blankets. They had rolled him up like this because of how frightened and vulnerable he had felt when they found him on the anti void. The day had been one heartbreak after the other. All the star sanses had apparently been missing for a week without having any memory of said week. Dream had tried to find the memories in his friend's head and he did. He just wished he hadn't and so did the others. They were horrified with what they had done and said. It was painfully clear to them that they hadn't been in control of their bodies but did error know? Did he care? He shouldn't care as what they did is unforgivable.

"How is he doing?" Blue asked looking at his crying friend.

"He feels safe and comforted even though he can't see or hear a thing." Dream said blue looked in at the sushi roll he always called a friend.

"He has always had this flaw trusting whatever brought him warmth thinking it was safe," blue said, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"How do you know?" Dream asked

"Remember the kidnapping incident? Well I was kind to him and he let his guard down around me. Also outer didn't have a hard time at all making error trust him. I figured after that that error trusted any kind of warmth or comfort he was given," blue said looking at errors soul. It was in a container in the room he was currently in. Medic had freaked out once he saw the soul and slapped ink and dream hard because a damaged soul lead to a constant never ending pain that would make anyone insane or do anything to relieve the pain. Medic had confiscated ink's brush until error's wounds were healed and most of his scars faded. Blue looked at the shattered thing. Medic had operated on it for six hours straight. Cutting the strings around it and removing crystals and glass shards. The soul pieces were floating around in the container it wouldn't resemble and he couldn't heal until it did. Medic walked in.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now