soul eater 2

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Error gently touched his antlers. It was growing so he had to peel off the dead skin that formed on the antlers as they grew. His father helped him to make sure he didn't peel off too much. Error was three years old. His antlers didn't fall off every year but they did grow. Error was getting irritated as the dead skin wouldn't come off. His father was patiently helping him and eventually made one of the clawed parents cut a ring where the antenna and the skull meet. Error could easier peel the skin now. Error's father peeled off the last bit and nuzzled his pup. Error would sometimes make a sound that was a mix of clicking noises and a purr. Error's father had been scared shitless the first time but quickly found that it meant that the tiny being was happy. The father placed his child in his antlers and Error held onto them tightly. They would often go around like that. The antlers were placed so Error could only fall if he actually tried plus the creature had full control over his antlers. The father went over to the other parents so the children could play. He placed his toddler on the ground and his friends ran over to him once their parents allowed it. Nightmare and Cross each held one of Error's hands helping him stand. Error smiled and slowly walked with them. His balance was bad due to the antlers. The children were speaking and playing hide and seek. Error had full control over his shadow form so someone could randomly get two shadows and that would be him. The parents looked at the children satisfied. The children would all use their abilities to their advantage but Error had the best shot. Everyone was quickly found but they could find Error until nightmare looked at a three. Error smiled at he was found. Nightmare told Error it wasn't fair so he offered that they played a game without abilities. Error ran to his father and asked if he could hide in his antlers. Error's father brought him up there and Error was now hiding in plain sight. However, the world they lived in was designed like most cheesy horror movies in a forest. Always night. Dead threes or else they are spiked twisted and poisonous. Error easily fitted in with the background and his antlers blended in his father's. Soon everyone was looking for Error. In the end, what ratted him out was his soft snickers as they couldn't find him. They looked up and his father took him down.

"Not fair!" Killer complained.

"Error won fair and square," Nightmare said to killer. Error had a goofy smile. The parent called their pups to them. It was feeding time. Error was picked up by his father and both of them traveled through the shadows and darkness of the forest. Error's father stopped by a few fruit trees. He took his son and let his antlers pick as many fruits as needed. Error was given a peach as they traveled back to the other parents to eat. All of them help each other make food for their children. Nightmare's mother was the best at hunting. Horror's dad was the best at catching fish.

Error's dad was the only one who was fast enough to get fruit without it being a five-day trip. Killer's dad grew corn. Dust's mother grew vegetables and herbs and Crosses mother prepared the food. All the children were given a fruit each. Error looked at his friends. Horror had sharp teeth and many he could open his ribcage and it would work as a second mouth. He also had skin in between his fingers and gills. Nightmare could make different Insect legs sprout out of his back and use them to run for him. His finger has claws he could push out at will. He could also produce a sleeping gas that neutralized the prey before killing it with a bite from his poisonous fangs. Killer had a kind and innocent look to him he was quite beautiful but the beauty was charming and any bodily fluid that left him was acid. Also if he kissed someone then he could suck out their soul. Dust looked like a hybrid of a tree and a skeleton. He could control plants at will and also speed up the growth. Cross could control heat and had long claws that could be used as knives. He had blood red-eye and a light blue one. Whenever he controlled temperatures would the eye symbolizing cold or warmth. Error smiled as he was given a freshly made breed bowl with soup in it. All the children gratefully ate the delicious food. The parents also ate watching over their children. All the children got popsicles for dessert. Nightmare and Cross got blood-flavored while everyone else got fruit popsicles. They quickly finished and Error was fighting to stay awake. His father picked him up and placed the small being against his chest as the child fell asleep. Time went by and Error was seven now. His father had decided to bring Error to different multiverses. They visited the swap multiverse. Error was happy to see the different versions of his friends and him. His father walked him through the multiverse. Sometimes if people noticed them would they stare terrified. The Creator and destroyer of the multiverse stopped mid-battle to look at the child holding his father's hand as they walked. The creator was shocked he walked over to them and greeted them despite being terrified. The father held onto his son protectively.

"Sorry to ask but what are you?" The swapped Error asked. Error tried to speak but the only thing that came was clicking noises. The creator slowly pushed a pen and paper over to Error. The father inspected the items before giving them to his son. Error wrote' a demon with his son' Error then made a paper plan and sent it to his counterpart. The skeleton took it and read it. He paled. Error quickly wrote ' My dad is Karma's creation,' and sent it over there. The skeleton sighed in relief.

"My name is reboot what is your name and that name of your father?" Reboot asked. Error turned to his dad.

"Can I tell him our names?" Error asked His father just looked at him.

"I would rather you didn't. Today is the first time someone of our kind interacted like this with them," He said. Error wrote that his father wasn't comfortable with it before sending it to reboot. He understood. Error saw that his father wanted to leave. He quickly said his farewells to reboot and they left. Error's father was okay with the interaction and told him that 'if anyone ever came to them by themself then they shouldn't hunt them away or else no one of our kind can be safe from them' Error had nodded understanding after that. He was then sent off to play with the other children while Error's father explained that their children are capable of communicating with the other kind. It shocked the parents. Error also told them about his conversation with Reboot. They looked at him in amazement. They had never left the forest they lived in. Error told them about everything. They were ecstatic. The next day killer came to them happily and told them that his father had taken him to a multiverse. He also told them all how it went. They were so happy for him and a bit jealous until they heard that Killer had to stop his father from killing someone who came too close to Killer despite Killer's dad constantly getting hit on. The children were still happily talking and thinking about who would go next. Turned out that was cross. Everyone feared his dad but no one feared him. Cross communicated to them the same way that Error had used. Nightmare was the next one and people were impressed by how horrifying his mother looked but they went to the fell multiverse so it was fine. Horror was next and dust also left the same day. Dust told them all about a vegan that collapsed seeing him and his mother because they were living vegetables. Horror didn't have anything fun since he went to a mermaid multiverse and practically fitted in. Error smiled their fathers would take them out once a month but the thrill never died out. Then they came to Their original AU. Error was twelve by then. He had his height from before he died so his father decided to let him punish the people making him suffer. Error walked in and his father had his real appearance in front of them. Error looked at the suffering souls. All the others had seen and tormented the people as they reached their 12 year birthday. Error looked at the tormented people and their miserable lives.

"They don't deserve this," Error said to his father who looked at him in shock.

"They mistreated you and abused you," He said.

"That is because I was forced to do indescribable things that they thought I did for fun. They are not Evil they just try and make sense of things," Error said. His father looked at him.

"You are too forgiving," He said. Error looked around. He saw Dream sitting in a corner staring and whispering apologizes and that he tried to save him from sufferings but that he was the cause.

"I'm not too forgiving I just don't punish people who tried to do the right thing. Dream tried to save my life but instead separated my soul and body," Error said. His father was staring in shock. Error walked over to dream who looked at him wide-eyed and crying heavily. Error took a marker from a cup on a desk. Then he took a piece of paper and wrote. ' I forgave you a long time ago. After all, you tried to do the right thing,' He placed the paper in front of Dream.

"What did you write?" His father asked.

"Just something so his guilt for trying to do the right thing would go away," Error said and they left. 

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