Naga family

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Error had just woken up. He opened his eyes and saw where he was. He looked around wondering how he fell into the void only to show up here. He had just fought Ink and the council tripped and fallen into the void and now he was in a fucking desert that had islands of forest. He sighed left his lips but it sounded more like a hiss. It confused him and he looked down at himself only to find his legs missing and in their place a tail. He also noticed that he was a girl just fucking great. He opened a portal to the multiversal codes and his own in search of answers. He found that he was in a multiverse where all the inhabitants were some kind of half-animal half monster and humans were food. Error also noticed that skeletons were nagas. It explained where he was and his own codes had changed to make him fit in. He continued to read and groaned. He had read that females were rare meaning people would fight for him. He decided to try and find shelter as he read that the nights would get unbearably cold and started to slither through the sand. She quickly found the first naga's that tried to get him. He hurt them badly out of self-defense and even destroyed a hive where the naga's had managed to drag her in. He laid on a big rock far away from where he had first woken exhausted. He was sick of skeletons trying to force him into their nest. She saw the outer of the multiverse and got ready to fight but unlike other naga's that tried to poison him to take her back to their nest did outer slowly approach her. Error didn't feel threatened so she allowed him to come closer.

"You know you did us a huge favor by killing those hives," He said. Error was interested.

"Why?" She asked. Her scent was luring in more from his hive.

"They were a pain in the ass. If you want can you stay with us for the night," He offered. Error considered it.

"Who do you mean by us?" Error asked and four other skeletons showed up Lust, killer, dust, and blue.

"As long as no one tries to poison me," Error finally said. Outer smiled and promised that no one would. Outer lead Error to his nest in one of the patches of forest. It was a cave of a kind. There were two other males in there, Classic and red. They were excited once they saw Error and outer. Outer told them to not poison Error. Error sighed as she felt the temperature go down fast. The four from before quickly entered as the males started to ball together. Outer invited Error in. She hesitated but feeling how cold it got so quickly made her join them. They all balled up and surprisingly it comforted Error enough that she fell asleep without realizing it. It was morning and it had gotten a lot warmer. Error slowly freed herself from the bundle and slithered outside before looking for landmarks so she could find the place again. She found a good one like a huge appletree that had big red apples. She hurried and slithered away before she found a deer and instantly killed it. Error dragged it back and realized just how cold the ground was but the air was warm enough for her to not get injured from it. She noticed how quickly she got frostbites and realized she wouldn't survive without a nest. She dragged the big pile of meat with her back to see the males she had slept with looking sad or angry until she returned with a deer. The outer slithered up to her with a relieved smile. He was surprised when Error pushed the deer towards him.

"Why?" He asked

"You let me stay the night," Error said. Another male slithered up it was classic.

"You can live with us if you want to," He offered. Seeing this as a good opportunity to get a mate for the nest. Error looked at him.

"Are you sure it's okay?" She asked. The other males all joined in with a bunch of yes and of course. Error smiled happily. They helped her carry the food inside and cut open the deer. Error was cleaning the skin and fur so they could use it in their nest. She placed it on the bed that they had made out of other animal skins. She was given a nice chunk of meat and had to try and remember how a person ate. She ate happily and continued to live with them. She went hunting and gathered food with the males who all adored her. She was much bigger than them but she was female so it was only natural. She had been starved once she had meat them but now had a moderately healthy weight. The winter had approached and they were all overweight but it was necessary as they did the snake version of hibernation. Error curled up around the others as the entrance was closed off. They all fell asleep and occasionally woke up only to sleep again. Error was the first to wake during springtime and she felt an instinct click in her. She suddenly craved carrying children and she knew it was mating season for naga's once everyone woke. She knew she was safe so why not get the family she always longed for? She fell asleep after a lot of adjustments as she was still craving her kids. She woke much later. She could smell the heat season coming and saw two of the males awake. She saw Blue and lust being awake. Outer, fell, killer, dust, and classic were still sleeping. The two other nagas slithered over to her once they noticed that she was awake. They gently curled up around her and started to nuzzle against her.

"Are you okay with us mating with you when everyone wakes?" Classic asked. Females were rare and they didn't want to lose theirs while they could smell her fertility. If she managed to mate with them once and bear young then they would have a mate for life. Error curled up around them.

"Yes," Error told them feeling her heat start. The day after did Error sleep in. She was pregnant and small soulings were scattered along her tail. She was pregnant and it was clear to the waiting fathers that they would have young ones. Many of them couldn't believe they had managed to become fathers. Females were rare so rare in fact that seeing one was something most nagas didn't even manage to do and here they were having mated with one. She had woken up and slowly slithered around but she was sore so it hurt a little. They stopped her and brought food for her. They were gonna be dads and now they would care for all her needs. She just didn't know yet. Red and Classic dragged her back onto their bed and she looked at them confused.

"You are carrying our kin," red said with the biggest smile Error had ever seen on a red. Error looked down at her tail and saw the small soulings. They all had a small encasing. Error smiled softly looking at her tail. She have always wanted a family and now she was getting said family. Outer gave her a nice chunk of food and she happily gobbled it down. Two other males ented both carrying prey that they had caught. They tried to feed Error more but she was already full and told the males that much but they didn't stop. She was overstuffed and laying on her belly curled up in a ball of a kind the males curled around her. Three months passed and her tail had grown a lot. It had doubled in size and she could lay her eggs at any moment. Her mates were restless wanting to see the eggs sooner rather than later. They had enough food to last them for 3 weeks as they wanted to be sure that they all were home to witness their children getting laid. The day came and Error felt the contractions. She had tried to distance herself from the others in the days following up and didn't know why but now she knew. The eggs wanted out and they wanted out now. She laid in the farthest corner of the nest hissing as quietly as she could because of how much it hurt. She had thought her first time mating hurt but now she had to push out something half the size of her tail. Blue heard her quiet hisses and went to check on her only to get hissed at. Error's maternal instinct was kicking in and it told her to protect her eggs. Fortunately, her hissing alerted the other males who quickly figured out what was going on. 3 of the males quickly wrapped themselves around her trying to calm her down and they knew it hurt her to lay the eggs. They used their tail to make a small gap between the first egg and the rest while they were still in her tail. They slowly helped her push it out as they gently pressed against that gap and forced the egg to move out of her. The four other males looked at the little leathery egg that was coming out of their mate and quickly moved it to their incubating spot in their nest. Error saw the eggs laying snuggly and warm in the spot she had actually made for her eggs. It made her calm down a lot as she pushed out the second egg. The rest of the eggs came out quickly and she slithered over to her newly laid eggs despite her mates telling her to rest. She curled around them and decided to sleep. He tail was a little bit bigger than before because she had gained a lot of weight but now she was actually quite healthy. Her mates quickly joined her being proud of her for giving them ten healthy eggs. All of the parents were quite happy and hoped that none of the eggs would be stillborn. Error honestly had no idea of how this became her life but she wouldn't change it for a thing.

Error on short twoWhere stories live. Discover now