Bullying Getting Worst

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At McKinley In The Hallways

Jesse was going to her locker with Rachel behind her. "HEY!" Rachel yelled making Jesse turn to her. "I know you will tell your boyfriend about what we will be doing." Rachel said to her. "Listen, Rachel. Yes, Blaine is my boyfriend and I told him everything but this I want told." Jesse said to her and she walks away only to be pushed into the lockers again by Dave. "I hope I didn't hurt you." Dave said to her as Sebastian and Jamey walk out of nowhere and Sebastian pushes Dave into the lockers while Kurt walks over to Jesse. "What the hell?!" Dave yelled making everyone look at them. "We said before to leave her alone." Sebastian said to him. "Or do we need to hit you more until you understand." Jamey said to him. Dave takes a swing at Sebastian who grabs his arm and Jamey kicks Dave's leg. Dave goes down while Sebastian was still holding his arm. "HEY!" Sue yelled while pulling Jamey and Sebastian away from Dave. "Figgins's office now." Sue said while pulling the brothers to the office.

In The Figgins's Office

Will enters the office to see Sue and his sons there. "What's the problem?" Will asks Figgins. "The problem, Will is that your sons were fighting Dave Karofsky." Figgins said to him. "Only because he was bullying our little sister." Sebastian said to him making Figgins look at him. "Keep your mouth close." Figgins said to him while Will walks to his sons. "Will, if they fight again. I have to kick them out." Figgins said to him. "What? They were just trying to keep their sister safe." Will said to him. "That is fine but they need to do it in a different way." Figgins said to him while looking at the brothers. The four exits the room to see Jesse, Sam, and Kurt there. Jesse walks over to her brothers and gives them a hug. Sue looks at her to see she doesn't want her brothers to be kicked out of the school so she will make sure that will not happen. Kurt and Sam walked over to them. Sebastian looks at Sam and takes his hand while Kurt moves closer to Jamey and Jesse.

In The Hallways

Rachel was walking around the school thinking of a way to get Jesse out of the girls' number. Rachel sees a room and she walks over to it to see it was not that big and there were keys in there. Rachel takes the keys and now was thinking of a way to get Jesse inside there.

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