Secret's Out

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3rd person POV:

On a ship at the southern port of Japan, several people stop and notice a man wearing a Marine uniform get off. 'So the woman's name is Inko Midoriya and the kid's name is Izuku Midoriya.' He glared at the papers in his hand with two photo images of the two. "So the man had a kid, huh? Then I guess it's my job to end what I started with your father, boy."

"Fleet Admiral sir!" A Marine came up in front of the man to salute. "We have the home of the woman in question in lockdown. the second she comes home, we can arrest her."

"Good. I'll make sure she pays a price for letting that family lineage go on."

"Sir. Should I inform the members of G-5 about what's happening?"

"Keep this in the dark. I'd rather handle this without anyone extra needing to find out." The papers in the man's hands began to burn up to cinders before adding one final note. "Besides, I have a feeling Smoker knew about this and willingly kept his identity hidden. I'm heading to UA for the kid alone. Inform me when you have the woman in custody."


'You both thought you were clever, didn't you? Well hide and seek is over son of Fire Fist. This time, I'll make sure Roger's lineage is ended.'

Izuku POV:

It's been 11 months since All Might gave me his quirk. In that time, I was asked by him to do some personal training to become stronger for One For All by cleaning Dagobah Municipal beach. I unfortunately had to cut my training with Smokey and Tashigi until I fulfilled the requirements in All Might's case, but I felt it after the entrance exams. The part though that really sucked was the fact Smoker asked me to pretend I was extremely weak with training and the quirk like a newbie. This sadly ended up making me have to willingly break my bones by voluntarily going over my limit and trust me when I say that it hurt. I was however able to at least get into my dream school as well as make some nice friends in the process. In a way of speaking, I was happy.

Today for hero training, we were told that it was going to be off at a special facility. We all boarded the bus with me sitting next to my classmates Asui and Kirishima. The drive was somewhat quiet until Asui spoke up. "Midoriya, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure Asui, what's up?"

She stared at me blankly before replying. "Call me Tsu."

"Oh, ok Tsu. What did you wanna ask?"

"....Are you related to Portgus D. Ace by any chance?"

'PFFT! HOW DID SHE KNOW!?' "Uhhh....No. Why?"

"Well the two of you have a lot alike like those freckles on your faces, you act somewhat like some information on him says, you also fall asleep while you're eating."

'Aww, crap.'

"That is impossible Asui. Portgus D. Ace died before he could have any children. If he was the Fire Fist's son, Midoriya would've been killed a long time ago."

"Hmm. I guess you're right Iida. I was just curious. Sorry Midoriya *ribbit*."

"Y-you don't have to apologize. It was an honest mistake. Besides, it's not like I'm mad you thought that." I started laughing and trying to make it seem like nothing before the bus stopped.

"We're here. Get off."

We followed Mr. Aizawa's order for our classmates to pile off the bus one by one. While we went up to listen to the space hero 13's statement of how the day was going to be done, my mind kept going to what Tsu asked. '....Would they....would they treat me different if they knew the truth?'

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