Flames That Bond

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Izuku POV:

"Ow. Tashigi, that hurts." After the incident with Bergus, I reported the conflict to Smoker with both him and Tashigi fit to be tied.

"You deserve it for what you did. Do you honestly think picking a fight with one of the Yankos is a smart idea in the slightest? What happens if Blackbeard tries to come after you now!"

"To be fair, Bergus and Balckbeard started it themselves." Shoko pointed this out for it to be ignored by Tashigi.

"Well, it was going to happen anyway. Not like we didn't know that they were here." Monet spoke up while writing down some notes in her research book. "Then again, I figured it had something to do with Izuku from the beginning why major powers were here. I'm pretty sure I saw a Sweet Enforcer from Big Mom's crew and one of the All Stars of Kaido's."

"Eh, everything works themselves out. All we need to do is be patient." Baby 5 added while pulling out a cigarette. "Hey Izuku, you mind lighting a girl?"

"No problem."

"CAN YOU THREE PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!?" Jirou and Tashigi shouted in anger while I lit the end of Baby 5's cigarette.

"I knew there was going to be hell to pay the second my father was discovered. Right now, all we can do is take the enemies one step at a time. For now, I don't think Blackbeard is stupid enough to try something here right now. There's people from the Marines, the Big Mom pirates, the Beast Pirates, even some that help out the Worst Generation here. If he were to try something, it wouldn't end well."

"When you put it that way, Blackbeard would have to pick a fight with almost everyone if he were to try something here and now." Kirishima saw my logic with Uraraka adding in.

"Not only that, but you have the heroes and Sabo who's Chief of Staff for the Revolutionary Army in this too. He'd have to be really crazy if he was gonna pull something here and now."

The sound for the next event came with my name getting called to head over to the arena entrance. "That's my cue. Wish me luck." I got out of my seat and began heading out while giving a thumbs up to everyone.

Baby 5 POV:

As Izuku left, something felt really off with me for a strange chill to run down my spine. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just have this crazy feeling something bad is going to happen."

"Just warn us if you notice something strange, ok?" I nodded at Monet before the jerk blond Izuku knew spoke up.

"I can't believe the fucking asshole was holding back all these years." This somewhat irritated me to speak up.

"Izuku didn't hold back because he wanted to. But if you ask me, someone should've smacked you into your place years ago. Then again, your head's probably so dense that you'd need a sledge hammer to just dent the skin."

"What was that?" He glared at me in rage for it to kinda scare me to avoid his gaze and turn to Tashigi.

    "What was that?" He glared at me in rage for it to kinda scare me to avoid his gaze and turn to Tashigi

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