Dark Finds

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Izuku POV:

The day of the Sports Festival finally came with the time I had training with Endeavor somewhat worthwhile. From what I've been taught by him, mixing my father's skills with his helped balance out some major fighting flaws between the two as he put it. Before the event though, All Might called me to speak with him away from everyone. I felt uneasy since I haven't talked to him so much since the USJ. 'I hope he's not angry with me for hiding it.' I opened the door to the room we were going to talk in for him to be in his smaller form sitting in a chair. "You wanted to see me sir?"

"Come sit down young Midoriya. I want to discuss some things with you." I shut the door and sat in a seat across from him. I felt nervous before All Might started to speak. "First and foremost, I want you to know I'm not mad you kept being Potgas D. Ace's son from me. Knowing how desperately the World Government wanted Roger dead as well as any of his lineage, it's apparent to see why you did it."

"Thank you sir." I felt a weight of relief knowing he wasn't against it.

"To be completely honest, I actually hold Ace and Roger in high standards since I was actually part of the Roger pirates sometime back." I did a spit take realizing this to flip.


"Yep. Best few years of my life were sailing under his flag."

"So you knew my grandfather?"


Hearing someone who actually knew of Gol D. Roger personally made me really happy. "What was he like?"

"Roger was a unique man. He always did what he felt he should do. Sometimes this would help avoid trouble, but trouble constantly found us. The man was proud to be who he was though and lived his days to the fullest." I could see the happiness in All Might's eyes to continue to ask him about my grandfather.

"Odd question, but how did the Marines capture someone like him?"

"They didn't. Roger turned himself in." I was a little shocked by this comment. "Roger when he was reaching his final few years was told by a doctor that he had an incurable disease that was going to kill him. He already accomplished what he wanted to in life and as such, he'd rather have gone out with a bang the way he did as opposed to going out on a bed withering away. He caused his fair share of trouble wanting the adventure he does, but he truly was a respectable man."

"Did...did you ever meet my father when he was alive?"

"Few times. He was more trying to get info on Whitebeard since he wanted to grow stronger and again when he was tracking down Marshall D. Teach."

"Blackbeard." I started to clench my hands in anger hearing his name before All Might got up to pat my hand.

"Trust me when I say going after him is a bad idea. This may sound wrong coming from me, but put him out of your mind and let someone else stop him. You already have Akainu coming for your head, you don't need Blackbeard."

I knew he was right, but another thought came to my mind. "All Might. You knew a lot of things traveling with my grandfather, right? You wouldn't happen to know what the One Piece is or the Will of D. would you?"

"Perhaps, but the information is only worthwhile for what you make of it. Look into your heart and you'll know what it is."

"....That is arguably the most corny thing I've ever heard sir."

"I guess it somewhat is." We both laughed  before he allowed me to leave and head towards my class.

As I entered in, the air was severely thick with almost everyone staring daggers at me. Understandable why for most since I did kinda lie to them all. Shortly after coming in, Todoroki walked over to me with her eyes staring right at me. "Portgas, today I will defeat you." This somewhat was weird to hear from her, but I wasn't all that shocked from what Endeavor told me about her past.

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