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3rd person POV:

In the Marines, there exists a prison where the worst of the worst are thrown.  This island is known as Impel Down. An almost impenetrable fortress that only a handful of people were able to escape with their lives. For almost everyone that enter this prison, escape is next to impossible due to it being in an area of the sea that has no wind in the seas around as well as only able to be entered through a set of enormous gates leading to Marine Headquarters and another island known as Enies Lobby. The prison itself holds five known levels with a sixth level for prisoners that the Marines want to be erased from time indefinitely. Even pro heroes when told of this prison hold a bit of fear knowing it's history. To all, entrance into this prison is no different than entrance into the gates of hell.

"Out of all the people I have to find here, I have to discuss things with him." Akainu spoke to himself as he went down the levels of the prison before reaching the final floor. He felt absolute rage after seeing what had happened in the Sports Festival with Rob Lucci failing to kill Izuku to decide for another plan. 'Going after Fire Fist's son with Marines will be a bad idea going forward. So starting now, I'll need to use methods that require me to limit Marine involvement to next to nothing.' Standing in front of a cell, the Fleet Admiral looked into it with a neutral face.

"Why, if it isn't the Fleet Admiral. What brings you to my cell?" A voice came from inside the cell for Akainu to show irritation.

"I have an offer for you. If you agree to it, then you can gain your freedom. Heavenly Demon Donquixote Doflamingo."

"Ha ha! And what makes you think I'll help you!?"

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"Ha ha! And what makes you think I'll help you!?"

Akainu didn't respond while going over the deal. "There is a boy that I want you to kill. The deal I shall give you is that in response with your immunity from the Marines, you will be released to end a boy."

"So, you want me to play executioner to someone? How pitiful that the Marines couldn't kill a single boy."

"This boy is untouchable right now by the Marines. However, he's still a boy which means he can be killed."

Doflamingo began laughing hysterically at this before asking. "So why come to me out of everyone here. There's plenty of scum in this level that would love a taste of freedom and the liberty to do some legal bloodshed."

Akainu sent a photo in the cell in front of Doflamingo. On it, it showed, Baby 5 and Monet sitting down next to Smoker and Tashigi. "These two were part of your Executives in your 'family'. I suppose you'd want them to pay for betraying you." He sent two other pictures in the cell as well. One was Izuku and the other was Inko. "The assignment is to kill the boy. His name is Izuku Midoriya and the woman is his mother, Inko Midoriya. I want you to kill them both. In this, you'll have immunity from killing anyone that sides with him as well as access to funds from the Marines and your original ship redone as to fit today's standards. You succeed and you'll be free from prison and able to go about your days outside of our eyes. Fail, and you'll hold all the blame and be deemed an escape from this place to the public. We will also monitor you so that we know you won't escape and kill you without a second's thought if you betray our deal."

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