Cindered Past

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Ochako POV:

"AND THAT'S IT! WE HAVE OUR TOP SIXTEEN! WE'LL HAVE THE FINAL EVENT'S MATCHINGS AFTER LUNCH!" We we're finally free to head to lunch with a lot of us heading right to the infirmary. Due to the fact the festival was still going on, we couldn't see Deku.

When we got to the door, I felt a little uneasy seeing what I did before. 'Deku. Please be ok.'

"Outta the way! Hot food coming through!" Baby 5 came running with a stack of meat as tall as her with Tashigi holding a fruit stack the same height. "Monet! Get the door!"

Monet opened the door from inside with what sounded like chomping happening deeper in. They put the food inside for all of us to look inside and see Deku on a bed eating an insane amount of food. "Woohoo! More meat....*snore*."

"CAN YOU AT LEAST STAY AWAKE FOR THIS!?" Momo, Kyoka and I shouted in anger at Deku.

"Huh?" Deku stared at us for a moment with it looking like he was confused why we were there. He quickly changed tune to begin stuffing his face again for Kirishima and Tsu to join in this time in our shouting spree.


"Izuku. I need to take a blood sample if you don't mind." Monet held a small needle and stuff to take blood for Deku to hold his right arm out and continue eating.

"Sho Uwawakcha, whosh gowing two sha fwinawsh?" Deku spoke with his mouth full as the quantity of the meat and fruit on the trays that just came in got lower and lower.

"Uhh. First is our group. You got us in and technically we're labeled as first since you had the ten million. Todoroki's group of Kaminari, Iida and this class B girl Shiozaki had the official first in the cavalry battle. Bakugou's team of Sero, Mina and Kirishima came second, he's not happy about that. And the third place was taken by this guy Shinso from General Studies group of Aoyama, Tokoyami and this support course girl called Hatsume."

"I'm guessing the next event will be a one on one battle or something. UA normally has that as an event where the contestants fight one another in an actual fight." He kept eating with the bandages on Deku's body worrying me.

"Hey Deku, are you sure you're ok? You got hurt pretty bad during the fight you had." He stopped eating to see all of us kinda concerned for his well being.

"I'm fine. Thanks to Recovery Girl and Monet, I'm as fit as can beAH!" Monet immediately poked some bandages on his shoulders to prove him wrong. "Ok, maybe I'm not at peak condition yet, but I've been through worse." Seeing his body, I could tell a large amount of the damage that was done to him hasn't recovered externally. I could only imagine what happened inside him and how bad things are for him.

"That being said, I want you to avoid using what you did today during the fight with the CP-0 person at all costs. What I told you about your merging of those quirks being dangerous proved true. In my findings from seeing your blood, it seems that the nutrients present in your body were what you were burning in order to create the stronger flames you were. In short, you were giving yourself an adrenaline rush that if you continued to do, you could've given detrimental side effects."

"Wait. I don't get it. shouldn't Portgas's flames be able to avoid doing something this reckless?" Jirou questioned with what we knew of Deku's fire.

"Ordinarily, yes. However, what Izuku did in the fight against Rob Lucci was something different. In order to achieve the advancement of his power, Izuku had to use his own body's nutrients to act as the kindle for the flames he was making. This left his body in the end malnurished and unable to restore itself naturally without significant nutrient consumption. In the easiest way to explain, you were literally destroying your body to win back there. If you ever do something like this again, I implore you to use some precaution such as limit your body's use of it and make sure you are at full health when you do it. If you don't, you could unintentionally send yourself to an early grave."

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