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As the events of the training camp come to a close, Izuku finds himself captured by Doflamingo. In a desperate attempt to rescue him, Smoker gains the aid of the students of UA in hopes to create a small rescue operation. While in his clutches, Doflamingo explains how he plans to take OFA from Izuku and how the raid that was to happen has already been known about by the villains with them prepared to kill both him and All Might in the process. During this, Monet and Baby 5 show to seemingly side with Doflamingo with telling Izuku to worry about himself over them.

Izuku POV:

I sat in the chair I was bound in watching a TV in front of me. It was showing an interview with Nezu and Mr. Aizawa. "First and foremost, I'd like to formally apologize for what had happened recently. Due to our carelessness, some of our students had been injured. We will strive to do better in the future." Nezu started by addressing the main point for a reporter to realize his hand.

"Excuse me, but what can you say of the boy that was taken and his affiliation with the attackers?" The reporter seemed hellbent on trying to find out about this to go off on what he most knew. "From what we are aware, this was most likely a ploy that he used to escape the Marines. How can we be safe knowing this could be a possibility?"

"I know for a fact that headline is a lie. Portgas has no connection with these people that attacked the training camp." Aizawa points this out for the reporter to continue to push.

"So you are saying a respectable news source is not able to be trusted but your word is? How are we able to take your word after this incident when even Marines have vouched for this knowing the boy's lineage." The reporter seemed to know where to hit to push my teacher's buttons.

Doflamingo started laughing at this while resting on the chair I was on. "Well isn't this comical? They think you and I worked together to take you away from UA. Hehehehe. It's even funnier that the people that are saying you're dangerous are actually the ones that are forcing this upon you." He got up and walked towards the TV to lean on it. "The world doesn't give a damn if you live or die and would salivate at the idea of you dropping dead. Face it, kid. You're put on the wrong side of what people are to think good is. Why are you fighting this uphill battle? Why not show the world how much of a scum of the earth you can be? C'mon. It's not fun being on this side, right? They don't want your best and refuse to see you trying. Why fight to show your best and it not be good enough instead of showing your worst and be feared as the worst."

I watched as Mr. Aizawa spoke up. "Portgas is a good person and deserves the benefit of the doubt. During the USJ incident, the Marine Fleet Admiral had come and pulled a gun on him before we discovered the truth. He was right, but the radical ideology was not right and very out of line instead of coming to our school and giving us this information to handle this more privately. The Sports Festival had a member of Cypher Pol nearly kill Portgas in an attempt to 'have a test of his strength' as mentioned. However, this was an act that would've killed someone on public television if it had not gone down the way it should. During our end of term exams, they even stepped in and refused to allow us handle his practical test how we should've as a school. The only reason the Marines are pushing so deep into Portgas's possibility of being a threat is only because of his father and grandfather being who they are. He doesn't show any desire to go against the world's rules and is trying his best to uphold the law more than anything. If we're being honest, I can't think of another student who's worth being a hero than him in his year."

I smiled hearing that and turned to Doflamingo with a smirk. "There's your answer. You think I'm stupid enough to side with a thug like you. To be honest, you're right. This world is fucked up and doesn't give a damn if I die. But here's the difference between what you think I am and what I really am. I'm someone that will stand for what I think is right regardless of what others think. I'll play the little games you and the World Government are playing because I know deep down, you all fear the fact that I can be something you all don't think I can be and get your narrative thrown in your face and called out on your bullshit. That's why you all want to kill me. You're scared of me." I seemed to hit a nerve with the former Warlord for him to lose his smirk and start scowling and stab my hand with a knife he had. "Wanting to destroy what you don't like. Oh how normal you are."

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