Weapons of Honor

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After freeing Izuku, Doflamingo trapped him and his friends inside of the Birdcage and challenged everyone to a game. Thanks to everyone's assistance, they had succeeded in taking out most of the Donquixote Family's members. Now, the only members of the family that are left are Trebol and Doflamingo himself.

3rd person POV:

Baby 5 continued to blast at Doflamingo until smoke covered the area. Trebol looked in shock at this before turning to Baby 5. "What did you do!? You just shot at Doffy! This is treason from the family!"

"I don't care. Doflamingo can choke on a led spike for all I care." This comment enraged Trebol as he began sending out what looked almost like snot from his hand at the Weapon fruit user.

"I'LL MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND THAT DISRESPECTING THE FAMILY IS THE WORST THING YOU COULD'VE EVER DONE! STICK STICKUM!" Baby 5 tried to pull away, but was caught by her leg by the mucus like stuff. "METEORA!" She was slammed into the ground to have it shatter and bring her under the area. Baby 5 moved to get up and aim her cannon at Trebol.

"You wanna play too, then take this you nasty ass old fart!" She shot a cannon right at Trebol for it to go right through his body with a smirk being on his face.

"Behehehehe! Nice try. But you remember something about my sticky fluids?" Trebol points this out as he had the substance fall down into the hole. "It's highly flamable." He pulled a bit of his cane's top up to show a lighter before lighting a stick and dropping it. Baby 5 saw this to try and jump out. But she was too slow for this as the fire hit the fluids and blew her out of the hole with the force of the explosion. Her back was burned from the act as she tried to stand back up.

"Baby 5. You're such a disappointment right now." Doflamingo spoke up as the smoke cleared to show him using his coat as a way to protect himself using Armament Haki. "A shame though since I was not afraid to give you everything you could want for your loyalty. But hey, I'm a nice guy. I'm willing to look away from this incident if you swear your allegiance to me once more. How about it? All you've gotta do is give me Portgas D. Izuku's head. Seems fair enough of a deal?" Doflamingo laughed at this with Baby 5 still scowling at him.

"You think I'd give him up that easily? You're pathetic."

"Am I? Then I guess you forgot who you belong to." He pointed to Baby 5's torso and smirked. "You belong to me. that mark is proof of that. You are bound to the Donquixote Family whether you like it or not."

With little hesitation, Baby 5 held her shirt up to show where the burn was with a bit of pride. However, the burn was overwritten with something different. A tattoo. "The fact that your image was on me sickened me to no end. As such, I figured if I belonged to anyone, I'd make it to someone I'd prefer."

Flashback a few weeks ago

"You want a what now?" Izuku asked eating from his food looking at Baby 5.

"A tattoo matching the one on your back. I umm....I wanna use it to cover something."

Izuku put his food down and turned to give Baby 5 his full attention. "You don't have to get this if you think this is your way to prove your loyalty to me. You've done that more than-"

"It's not to prove my loyalty for you. It's to prove it to me and erase the loyalty I had to someone else." She looked down while explaining. "I...I hate the fact that I have this on me. I feel as if I'm going to be sick having it stick to my body and I want nothing more than to get it off. But I can't so easily."

Izuku saw tears come off Baby 5's face to grab her cheeks and pull them. "You're an idiot." He let go and the Weapon Fruit user held them in pain.

"What was that for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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