Hard Decisions

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After a grueling battle in Hosu, Izuku has awoken to find himself in a hospital. There, he is met by former Fleet Admiral Sengoku who upon the request of Garp, had checked up on him. During this, Sengoku explains the incidents leading up to Portgas D Ace's death as well as his own judgement before and after the war. This is stopped however when a former Admiral makes his appearance in the hospital.

3rd person POV:

"Alright. You wanna answer why you're here, Aokiji? Last time I checked, you're no longer part of the Marines." Izuku asked somewhat irritated for Kyoka to lean towards Momo.

"You know who this guy is?"

"Not a clue."

"He does have a cool prosthetic though." Shoko mentioned as she looked down at Aokiji's frozen leg. The door soon opened to Endeavor with Manual, Iida and Bakugou.

"It seems we weren't the first here. Also, what's a former Admiral of the Marines doing here?"

Shoko, Momo and Kyoka heard this to immediately shout. "THIS GUY WAS A MARINE ADMIRAL!?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I guess I was a big shot in the Marines after I lost to Sakazuki." Aokiji remembered back a bit for Bakugou to speak up.

"Who the fuck is Sakazuki?"

"Akainu." Izuku answered this to shock everyone. "To make a long story short, both Aokiji and Akainu fought for ten days to find out who was worthy of the title of Fleet Admiral since Sengoku wanted Aokiji and the Elders wanted Akainu. I don't know the exact details of what happened, but the two had enough power to turn one half of an island into a frozen wasteland and the other into literally an active volcanic site."

"Yeah, wasn't fond of that. Anyway, I came here to talk to you, Portgas."

"Let me guess, this has to do with your fat now boss, Blackbeard." Everyone was a bit shocked hearing someone for the law was now working for one of the worst of the worst."

"Sorta. But I'm not here on his orders." The former Admiral looked around the room before turning back to Izuku. "You mind if we get the room alone?" Everyone looked at Izuku before he nodded. They took this as a reason to understand he's got the situation under control for them to walk out. The only one that didn't was Sengoku. "You mind leaving too?"

"I'm here as a request from a friend, but I'm still part of the Marines. Though I know you don't have any ill will, you're no longer a respected Marine and now work for a pirate. I hope you don't have any hard feelings for it."

"Eh, I get you. Not trying to be the bad guy, but also knowing that people like me can easily be them." Aokiji turned to Izuku again before starting up. "Anyway, I'd like to talk to you about your recent claim to Blackbeard. Though he's not takin it seriously, that doesn't mean Blackbeard won't forget what ya said, kid. As such, I came here to determine how truthful your words are."

"How truthful? That son of a bitch is responsible for my father's death just as much as Akainu! WHAT PART OF THAT ISN'T TRUTHFUL!?"

"Relax, kid. I just wanted to see where you stand. Now that I do, I'm willing to say this." Aokiji took a deep sigh before answering. "Give up on Blackbeard. At least for now."


"Think about it. Right now you've got Akainu and most of the Marines on your tail. Not only that, but now you have Doflmingo and the Donquixote family to deal with. You don't need a third party wanting to kill you. At least for now. When you have enough allies knowing Haki, then that won't be as much of a problem to reclaim your declaration of war. However, you're not strong enough yet. Your own limits haven't been surpassed yet to the point you might stand a chance against the Dark Dark Fruit and the Tremor Tremor Fruit. For now, avoiding a third faction as an enemy would help. So I'll say this again, let go of going after Blackbeard. You're not gonna win and facing him angry is just what Doflamingo wants us to do. That way when things go downhill, you can avoid at least one harming you."

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