All Out Hysterics

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As a raid on Kamino Ward is underway, Vice Admiral Smoker leads a group of UA students in an attempt to save Izuku. As they do, Monet makes a shocking decision to stand against the Donquixote Family. With his back to a wall, Doflamingo decides to trap everyone in Kamino in a technique known as the Bird Cage and challenges all to a game.

3rd person POV:

As the madness of the Bird Cage became active, All Might and the pros had begun facing off with AFO. The pro and villain began clashing with brutal shockwaves happening. The two stopped however when they noticed strings coming down. "What's happening?"

"The fool. He's already going too far." AFO began trying to activate something with it not working. "That power must have a jamming function for quirks that could transport outside. Right now, I'm trapped just like you are."

As they spoke, Doflamingo came on a screen for everyone in Kamino to hear. They heard about how the game would be and how Izuku and his group had pissed him off royaly. "Now to have everyone understand and have some fun, I've decided to put bounties on all those that have to be taken down. You bring them all dead or alive to me and I'll pull the Bird Cage down. Easy as that. Now, I think it's time to present the targets. Each star will be worth one hundred million yen in order to make you more enticed." The first set came up for Kirishima, Ojiro, Rebecca, Itsuka, Tsu and Iida to come on. "Now for the two stars." The next set held Ochako, Momo, Kyoka, Tashigi and Baby 5 on it. "And now the three stars." Smoker, Bakugou, Shoka and Izuku came on for All Might's face to drop. "And lastly, the face of the person who's angered me the most with the turn of events who I'd enjoy you bringing back with only a head. This person will be worth five hundred million yen." Monet's face was plastered on the screen with five stars on the bottom for her to stare at it with some unease.

"To be honest, I shouldn't be shocked that Doflamingo wants me dead. I did anger him notably."

"AHHHHH!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Ochako started panicking with Doflamingo giving one final regard.

"Now to those of you who do not feel comfortable trying to take these people down, you can just simply come after me and all your problems will be over. Until these people are captured or you defeat me, the Bird Cage will be active with no help from the outside world. I hope you all enjoy putting on a show for me, for I'll wait atop the mountain!" He laughed as the feed cut out for everyone in the city to look at one another.

"If we're going after helping people, shouldn't we take those people in just to help save the majority?" Mt. Lady asked for Jeanist to look at her in irritation.

"What makes you think that'll even help the situation in the slightest?"

"He said he'd take down the barrier we're in if we capture them dead or alive! If we can stop this the fastest to avoid people getting hurt, wouldn't that mean we're ok to do this!?"

"That is if Doflamingo even stays to his word. We're dealing with a pirate. Treachery and lies are part of what you should plan for when dealing with them." Tiger mentioned this while holding Ragdoll unconscious in his hands. "Personally, I'd want to avoid bringing those kids into this and will take down the bastard myself."

Another shockwave came from AFO to send All Might sliding back. "WHAT IS YOUR ANGLE IN THIS!? IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO TAKE THE POWER YOU'VE WANTED FOR ALL THESE YEARS!?"

"Please. Do you honestly think I'd want that? I'll be honest right now in saying that this is beyond what I desired, but look on the bright side. I'll help take down this prison if anything. All I need to do is kill those people on the screen and take their corpses to Doflamingo. If anything, my group will be able leave once that happens."

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