Tides of Change

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In an effort to help protect Izuku and his friends from the Donquixote family, Nezu had agreed to split them up into four groups, each with their own objective. Meanwhile, Izuku was tasked with hunting down the Hero Killer in an effort to make a better name for himself. In the city of Hosu however, the young Flame man was attacked by former Vice Admiral Vergo and the mad scientist Caesar Clown who easily overpowered him. Just as things seemed to be looking grim however, Sabo comes in with some of his friends to even the playing field.

3rd person POV:

As Izuku confronted Vergo, Burnin began running towards the heroes to try and find at least some medical assistance or better yet, a person with a healing quirk so she could head back and help Izuku. "Where...where am I?"

"You blacked out, Native. For now, I'm bringing you to get medical help."

Realizing what happened, Native panicked and looked around. "The man with the sunglasses and the one with the gas! Those two are going to destroy Hosu!"

"Something tells me that was a ploy to get us here." Iida heard this to look up and see Burnin uneasy. "The guy you faced was a former Vice Admiral called Vergo as well as the 300 million berry bounty scientist, Caesar Clown."

"Burnin. What do you know of those two?" The pro kept searching before explaining.

"Enough to know that Ace is facing monsters." Iida held his head down somewhat ashamed of the answer he had before remembering what happened prior.

Half an hour earlier

"Hey kid. You're part of UA, right?" Vergo began walking out of the alley with Stain adjusting his blade to no longer be above his neck and pointed at the former Vice Admiral.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"That's quite rude to hold a sword in front of someone's face like that. Don't you know any manners, Hero Killer." Stain immediately went to attack Vergo with him holding his forearm up with Haki in it. The blade shattered before pulling his hand back and pointing it. "Finger Pistol." In one shot, Stain's lung was punctured by Vergo's finger with him spitting up blood.

"You bastard." Stain could barely speak up as Vergo punched him one last time into the ground.

"You seem to not know your place, Stain. Unlike Doffy, you have no right to demand change from the status quote. Having you around us would be more a hassle than anything. Your colleagues admitted to that. However, you've given me an opportunity to do something for Doflamingo over everything else." The former Vice Admiral walked towards Iida to kneel down and look at him. "Now where is Portgas D. Izuku."

"Tch! You think I'd tell a monster like you-" He was immediately gut off by a kick to the jaw and a stomp on the top of his head.

"You do realize that you're completely overwhelmed right now. There's no way you can get out of this alive if you don't cooperate. So tell me and you can walk away with your life." Iida remained silent to earn a kick from Vergo in his rage to send him towards Native. "I'm not the patient type, so I'd suggest you'd be serious right now. Where is the Fire Fist's son?"

Iida was being held up by his neck with the level of pressure increasing. "*choke* I...I don't know where Portgas did his Internship with. He kept it a secret from everyone. Him and his friends." Iida was slammed to the ground constantly being punched with Native enraged.

"HE FOLLOWED YOUR OFFER! DON'T JUST LET THIS PROGRESS!" The pro shouted in anger with Vergo repeatedly punching Iida. "LEAVE HIM BE!"

"Humans lie to one another. That's a proven fact. How am I going to know what he is saying is truthful or not."

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