Blaze of Emotion

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Ochako POV:

I started to wake up to the crazy feeling I was rocking around on a boat. "Urgh. Why do I feel so dizzy?"

"You're not dizzy. You're feeling the ship rock." I looked to who said that to see Ms. Monet reading. "Breakfast is ready upstairs. I hope you don't mind eating with G-5. They can be quite the rowdy bunch."

"Oh yeah, I'm on a boat in the middle of the....ocean." I stopped when my brain registered that actuality.

"Ship Uraraka dear. A boat can be on a ship, but a ship can't be on a boat."

Getting up, I began heading out towards the top of the deck. There, I noticed my classmates that joined us. In the center of the deck though, I saw Deku and Baby 5 sitting across from each other in chairs. "So what's going on?"

"Portgasbro said something about this being training for Baby 5 or something. I'm not sure what the training is though."

"Baby 5....Show me your panties."

"WHAT KIND OF STUPID TRAINING IS THIS!?" Me and the rest of the girls shout as we hear this statement be said.

"O...ok." She starts standing up to lift her skirt up before Deku hits her on the head. "Ow! That hurt."

"Let's try this again now. Baby me your bra." There was a silence before she began to blush while replying.

"W-well if you want me to-" She got another hit to the head.

"Just what kind of crazy training is this where Midoriya is asking Baby 5 to do these things?"

"Training to stop her from obeying everything a man tells her to do, Kyoka." Tashigi came over to watch the training as well while explaining what it technically was. "When she was a child, Baby 5 apparently was abandoned by her mother. This gave her a somewhat strange desire to obey everything someone tells her to do no matter how ridiculous it is in hopes they won't abandon her as well. Due to this, she had racked up a ridiculous amount of debt equaling up to about 98 million berries which is about 9.8 million yen as well as being engaged eight times."


"Sadly, Doflamingo killed all eight of her former fiances before we even met her."

"So let me get this straight. Baby 5 was actually a member of the former Warlord Doflamingo's group as well as has millions in debt along with having eight late fiances who were all killed by the Heavenly Devil himself. Just where did Midoriya find this woman and what is his connection with her?" Yaomomo gave a valid point that most of us were kinda asking ourselves as well.

"He found her when the Marines were handling the incident at Dressrosa."

'Wait, does she mean that incident in the past with Doflamingo and the Straw Hats?' "So umm...what is Deku to her?" My curiosity got the better of me to ask a question I probably would've been better not asking.

"She sees Izuku as her fiance."

"....WHAT!?" We all shout at once while Tashigi explains.

"To make a long story short, the two fought during the Dressrosa incident and well..."

Flashback two years ago, 3rd person POV:

Izuku and Baby 5 began fighting in the middle of Dressrosa during the battle for both to go neck and neck. In it, Izuku held back from using his flames so nobody would see who he was. "Arms Metamorphosis! Revolver Girl!" Baby 5 began turning herself into a giant revolver for Izuku to duck under and get below her.

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