The Hero vs Fire Fist

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The final exams have begun with the students having to face off against the teachers. As Izuku, Shoko and Momo faced former Vice Admiral Garp, Rebecca and Bakugou were tasked with the objective of defeating her father Kyros. In a thrilling ordeal, Rebecca had steeled her resolve and fought with her own strength to support Bakugou. In response, they were able to come out victorious. Now Izuku's group must find their own way to outmatch Garp or they will fail.

3rd person POV:

Izuku continued to attack Garp with his attacks not exactly doing any effect. To aid in avoiding attacks and try to get the upper hand, Izuku had used Shave to get behind the former Vice Admiral and unleashed an attack at him. This did next to nothing as Garp's control over Haki outmatched his. "That the best you got? I thought higher of you!"

Garp gave a solid punch to Izuku to send him flying back and into the ice. Luckily, Shoko prepared for the worst and made the area near where he hit stronger to avoid Izuku going into the water. Once the dust settled, Izuku's face was shown to be covered in Haki with blood coming out his nose. 'If I didn't use both Iron Body and Armament combined, I probably would've died.'

"You think that's the end of it!? Your just only beginning to feel my seriousness!" Garp came at Izuku again for him to jump back and use Moon Walk to add more distance. "Oh no you don't." He grabbed Izuku's leg with Shoko trying to avoid him getting hurt by freezing Garp's leg. He smiled at this before throwing Izuku into the half and half quirk user and sending them into a boat.

"Ow." Both struggled to get up with Momo in shock.

"Just what type of enemy are we facing?" She turned back to see Garp coming at them again to shake violently. 'What should I do? Raw power won't work on him. He seems to be able to block anything. Not only that, but we're facing an advanced level of Haki that not even Izuku can fight against. What should I do? What should I do?'

"Outta the way, girl. You're not even worth my time. The fact someone like you is trying to stop me is kinda ridiculous." These words struck Momo hard as she held her head down.

'If only I could be able to use Haki better. Maybe I could be worth more.' She gripped her fist in anger before remembering something Ivancov told her.

"Power and strength aren't the same thing. Power is a type of strength, but strength isn't always power. Learning how to be strong is something everyone struggles with. But you can never get better if you don't get stronger and push yourself."

Remembering this Momo turned over towards Garp and activated her quirk to create a gauntlet to sock the former Vice Admiral in the face. This failed as he turned to take the hit and have it shatter without even a scratch on him. "Was that your attempt to hurt me? Pathetic."

Garp pulled his fist back for Momo to have several Russian Nesting dolls come out of her with flash grenades. "IZUKU! SHOKO!" She shouted for them to shield their eyes as the bright flash temporarily blinded Garp.

"Flame Commandment!" Taking advantage of the confusion, Izuku trapped Garp in a tornado of fire as his eyes slowly recovered from the attack.

"You're trying to encase me in fire in hopes that I give up? Now you're just trying to get punishment." A fist came from the tornado for Garp to dodge it and punch the side for Izuku to feel notable pain from it. He tried a second time with Garp repeating the process. On the outside though, Shoko and Momo came next to one another with the half and half quirk user uneasy.

"This isn't going to end well. If Izuku continues to do this, he's going to fail without much of a chance." Shoko looked at the ice to nice it starting to melt a bit from where Izuku was engulfing Garp. "Even if he's able to outlast long enough, the ice isn't going to hold out."

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