Enraged Battle

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Izuku POV:

"ALRIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR OUR FIRST SEMI FINAL MATCH UP!" The crowd began cheering as the semi finals were started up. For now, I'm currently facing Kendo who won against her classmate Shiozaki during the last round by forcing her out of the ring before she could make enough vines to stop her Big Fist classmate. "ON MY LEFT, HE'S THE SON OF THE FIRE FIST AND THE MAN THAT'S BLAZED HIS WAY HERE! CLASS A'S PORTGUS D. IZUKU! AND ON MY RIGHT, SHE'S THE CLASS REP AND A VISCIOUS BRAWLER OF CLASS B! ITSUKA KENDO!"

I started cracking my knuckles before getting into a fighting stance. "Sorry Kendo, but I'm not going down today."

"Good. That's what I like to hear." She smirked while making her fists twice the size of what they normally are.

"BEGIN!" Immediately, Kendo comes at me with a devastating karate chop for me to jump out of the way. She followed this with a kick while I was in midair to force me to use Moonwalk to get out of the way. "AND JUST LIKE ALWAYS, WE'RE STARTING OFF WITH A MAJOR START!"

'She's got martial arts on her side. She's definitely different than almost everyone else here.' Kendo came at me again with countless punches for me to respond by dodging. "Paper Art." I evaded them before getting close enough to her to try and karate chop her neck to knock her out. This failed on my end with Kendo hardening her neck with Haki. "So. You also have Haki?"

"What? Thought you were the only one here that could?" I didn't understand the feeling I had right now, but for the most part, it made me feel excited this was happening. Before I could respond, I was sent a distance away by Kendo with a punch of her's that was with an enlarged fist that was her body's size. I quickly recovered from the problem with Moonwalk to stand in the sky and hop.

"I'll admit, you're tougher than I originally though. But just cause you are, the gloves are coming off now."

"Fine by me." Kendo coated her fists in Haki for me to do the same with mine. We both immediately charged at one another for our fists to connect and neither giving an inch. "To be honest, I was hoping to fight you. This gives me the chance to see just how far my Haki right now could take me!" Kendo began giving several flurries of punches while I used my Haki to encase my forearms to block the attacks. "You can't block forever!"


In the stands, Sabo POV:

"Well, if it isn't the White Chase himself." After seeing the match before with Izuku, I decided to pay a little visit to Smoker and Izuku's mother.

"What are you doing here? You know it'll look suspicious if a Marine Vice Admiral and the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army are seen in the same place like this."

"Consider this a pleasant meeting. I just happened to be in the area and chose to sit down next to the two of you." I plopped down next to Smoker and glanced over to Izuku's mother. "Inko Midoriya, right? I looked into you a little to see what made Ace fall head over heels to have a baby with you. Gotta say, you seem to be a nice lady from what I've found."

"Thanks. But I'm nothing special." She glanced back at the arena where Izuku was still blocking the attacks. "Izuku on the other hand, he's truly the special one between us."

"I can tell. He reminds me of Ace a lot." I kept watching before glancing over to see Smoker seem somewhat satisfied with something. "Happy with how your student's handling himself?"

"I just wish he'd stop loll gaging. I know for a fact he'd be able to send this girl out of the ring if he actually fought her seriously." Seeing Izuku start to get near the edge Smoker started to really lace into him. "MIDORIYA! GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR! STOP PLAYING AROUND AND TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO MESS AROUND, DAMMIT!"

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