Return of CP-0

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Saying right now, Doflamingo's logic is both right and scary.

As the training camp has gone underway, the first year hero course is given the opportunity to hold  a test of courage. However, the Donquixote Family alongside the League of Villains had come and invaded the camp. As Izuku was sent into a mountain, he was met by Buckingham Stussy, a member of CP-0 sent to kill him. In an effort to save Kota, he fights to find a way to escape and find a way to save his friends as well.

3rd person POV:

Izuku began powering himself up with his fire while holding a bit of worry. "Seems your mind is a little off. Are you worried for your classmates? I would be if I was you. Doflamingo isn't a person to ignore. However, my objective is nothing to him. As long as I can accomplish mine, then that means nothing."

"So you're not worried if he kills people or the people he's connected to are going to?" Izuku felt rage hearing this for Stussy to smile at him calmly.

"And why should I? It has nothing to do with me, so why should I care if people die that I have no reason to worry about. At the end of the day, my objective has nothing to do with them, so I genuinely have no reason to worry over people that I have no reason to care for." Izuku was in disbelief before going towards Kota to grab him and run towards the opening to get down. Unfortunately, a shot from Stussy's Flying Finger Pistol stopped him. "Now don't worry about trying to leave me. If you want to leave, you'll have to win against me." Stussy came at Izuku again to push her finger into his shoulder and force Kota to be dropped.

Looking at his side, he didn't see or sense any Haki from Stussy to question what just happened. 'Sea Prism Stone?'

"If you're wondering, my nail polish is made with Sea Prism Stone. And that's not all I have that's coated." She leaned close to Izuku's neck and breathed onto him. She smiled before taking a bite onto Izuku's neck, forcing pain into him before he used Haki to push Stussy back. He held his neck to see she didn't hit anything vital and wasn't that deep. "My lipstick is also laced with Sea Prism Stone. Now, I think it's time I have a little fun with you." She gave a Tempest Kick to Izuku for him to duck down and see the slash go forwards towards a nearby small mountain and slice it in two.

'If I don't be careful, she'll kill me.' He focused now to make certain to go at Stussy with all he had. "Fire Fist!" He sent a blast at the CP-0 member for her to dodge it with ease. This however was a ploy for him to get close and pull his fist back. "RED HAWK!" He went dead for Stussy's face with the Cypher Pol agent taking it head on without a dent on her. "No way. She didn't even feel that?"

In one motion, Stussy grabbed Izuku's wrist, flipped him over, and gave a solid kick to the center of Izuku's spine for him to get the wind knocked out and hear a popping sound. Izuku went flying due to this and went into the side of a mountain with a loud slam. "And here I thought you'd be more of a fight since you defeated Lucci. What a shame." With little hesitation, Izuku shot two spears of fire at Stussy for her to dodge them.

"FIREFLY!" Izuk shouted as several embers came by Stussy. She dodged this however to head up into the air. During this, Izuku jumped up using Moonwalk as well for him to continually try to punch the agent. Unfortunately, his chivalry was getting the best of him to not desire to harm Stussy and forcing him to make openings for the woman to exploit. She came close to him and gave another Finger Pistol aiming at his heart. Fortunately, Izuku was able to pull himself out of the way and have her shatter a nearby boulder. However, he was given a Haki infused heel to the side of his head, sending him back. Izuku held his side which revealed it was coated in Haki.

"You're never going to get anywhere if you only defend against me. Then again, you'll just make my job easier." Stussy came towards Izuku again with him blocking her attack and sending a shockwave out from the impact.

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