Father's Legacy

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I just wanna do this once to see what people think about this.

After a fierce battle in the Sports Festival, Izuku and his friends had obtained some well deserved rest. However, this was soon disturbed by the appearance of former Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Garp as well as the Strawhat Pirates and Sabo of the Revolutionary Army. Together, the group began piecing together the past in which Izuku informs his family of what transpired as well as Sengoku suggesting an offer for Izuku. However, this was not the only reason why he came to UA, as he came with a warning of a former enemy of the Strawhat Pirates that will stop at nothing in a pursuit of Izuku.

Izuku POV:

After the break, things began going back to normal for the most part in their own ways. Well, as normal as being an almost pariah in my case for my class. I began putting on my shoes at the door when Iida stopped me. "Portgas. A word please?"

Not thinking there was a problem, I agreed with this. "What do you need?"

"Tell me....do you despise the man that took your father?"

I turned away before answering. "I'd...rather not answer that for obvious reasons."

"But you cannot forgive Akainu, can you?" I didn't answer this again as a way to explain I didn't like this question and was uneasy answering. "Let me ask a second question then. If given the chance, would you go after the man who is responsible for harming him?"

"I...again, I don't feel right answering that, but I will say I'd be lying if I didn't find it...tempting."

"I see. Thank you." He walked away with the whole ordeal somewhat confusing to me.

"What was that about?"

"It may have something to do with what happened to Ingenium during the Sports Festival." Monet came behind me and answered my question to make me turn around.

"What do you mean?"

"During the event, there was an attack in Hosu city. It left Ingenium extremely injured and in the ICU. As of right now, they don't think he'll be able to walk after the incident." This was a bit of an eye opener for me to realize what Iida was talking about.

"Who did this?"

"Ther Hero Killer, Stain. However, that shouldn't be your priority right now." Monet walked towards Recovery Girl's office to pose a question to me. "Endeavor will explain what is when the Internships begin. You also may wish to get to class before you're late." I didn't know what she meant by her comment about priorities as of right now, but didn't have the time to worry about it. I began heading to class putting everything that happened in the back of my mind for the time being.

Half an hour later

While waiting for class to start, I began thinking about the internships that were going to happen and how they were going to be. As I did, Mr. Aizawa walked in and began greeting us. "Good morning, class."

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa."

"Since for the most part you all know about the internships, I'm going to skip most of the formalities of that and go right in. In the next week, you all will be doing an internship. With that said, these are the first picks of the draft." Mr. Aizawa presented a board of several names and numbers next to them. What stood out to me though were some had red dots on them with other names like Kyoka and Tsu's that didn't get any but were up there with a red dot as well.

"Mr. Aizawa. Why do some of us have a dot next to ours?"

"I'll explain that to you all separate from everyone else. Those that don't have a pick will still be able to do this internship, but will pick from a list of 40 agencies that have a respectful history with us. Those that have drafts will pick from their own. Keep in mind as well that none of this is set in stone so you still have the chance in these three years to gain or lose picks. Now onto the heroic's informatics. Today you all will be assistance of Midnight and Captain Tashigi." Everyone began cheering before Mr. Aizawa shut us up by glaring at us with his quirk active.

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