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After a heated Internship, Izuku and his class return to classes as normal. As everyone returned to their daily life, Monet worked day and night at the risk of her own health in order to create a sedative for Rampage. In the act, she unintentionally found herself narrowly escaping death for Izuku and Recovery Girl to force her to take a day off. As such, she agrees and goes on a date with Izuku.

Izuku POV:

"Ok, you wanna tell us one more time WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!?" Kyoka asked as I made sure I had everything I needed.

"I'm going to see a movie and enjoy some time probably getting dinner with Monet so she doesn't work today. Is there something wrong with it?"

"YOU'RE DAMNED RIGHT THERE IS!" Baby 5 gave an immediate argument for this as she started explaining in her logic what was the problem. "What if this is a ploy to take your chastity, Izuku!? I mean, you're so sweet and innocent that any hussy off the street would just love to get their thieving grubby hands on you, take you to a love motel or the nearest enclosed space and defile your manhood with their disgusting uncleaned hole-"

"Are you suggesting that I'm some kind of slut that sleeps around with men?" Monet stopped this walking down in a rather nice shirt that came down her shoulders and showed her bra straps along with a skin tight pair of jeans. I could tell she was kinda annoyed with this comment to try and walk her out.

"It's not worth the argument. C'mon or we'll miss the next airing of the move you wanna see. We'll try and not stay out too long." We walked out with Rebecca coming in to see us leave. We greeted her before heading out towards the town with the feeling of eyes on me. "So, what was the movie you wanted to see?"

"Well, it's a kinda naughty one." She smiled at me before a thought of Monet planning something like this might've crossed my mind and forced my face to go red. "Relax. It's probably just going to be a boring one for you...mostly." We continued out of campus with some people we passed looking at me with jealousy or anger having Recovery Girl's assistant on my arm.

"Seems you have a fan club."

"The amount of people coming to Recovery Girl's office increased when I was officially her assistant. It was rather annoying since I could smell the testosterone coming off of the men."

'I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that bit.'

In town, 3rd person POV:

As Izuku and Monet walked into town, several people began looking at them due to the snow woman holding Izuku's arm very closely. "Uhh, Monet. Do you mind possibly letting go of my arm? People are starting to stare."

"But I like the feel of your arm. It makes me feel safe and happy."

"GET A ROOM!" Some random person shouted at them with it mildly irritating Izuku.

"Would you rather me hug your side? I feel much happier doing that~" He glanced around to see some older women on the street make comments about them before pinching the bridge of his nose and responding.

"You can hang on my arm for now. Just try not to overdo it."

"Aww. But it's your job to keep me from overdoing things today. That also takes out half the fun~" Izuku could feel steam coming out of his head for Monet to smile. 'This is kinda fun. I wonder what else I can get away with before he draws a line?'

They finally came to the movies with Izuku buying the tickets. "Two please for..." He glanced at Monet before she spoke up.

"Intimacy." Izuku did a spittake for the ticket vendor to look at Monet and then at Izuku with envy before he gave them the tickets.

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