Pride as Warriors

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After attempting to save Izuku, he and his friends were trapped in a prison known as the Birdcage and challenged all to a game. One by one, members of the Donquixote Family were challenged and held off for Izuku to move towards Doflamingo.

With Izuku and Rebecca, 3rd person POV:

Izuku and Rebecca came near the summit of the mountain they were on to look and notice it was entirely open. "We're getting close."

"Close only counts in pennies and dimes, kiddies *BANG*!" Both Izuku and Rebecca jumped out of the way for them to see the source of the gunner to find a large man with a smile on his face holding a cape. "Been a while, hasn't it, Rebecca? Last I saw you, you were fighting with your daddy in Dressrosa. Now look at you, all alone with only a villain like Portgas here to save you."

"You wanna call me that to my face, punk-"

"Wait." Rebecca held her hand out for Izuku to look at her. "I'll handle this louse. I have a score to settle with him that had been a long time coming."

"Oh, wow. Scary. Are you gonna try to pick a fight with me of all people. How about we have a cute little trip down memory lane. You remember this gun. I used it to kill your mommy, now I can use it to kill you! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Izuku became more enraged as Rebecca looked at him. "I need you to go on ahead. Our fights won't end until you win against Doflamingo. I can handle Diamante."

Looking at both the Head Officer and Rebecca, Izuku nodded and tried running to the side to avoid betting in their way. "You wanna try and run kid. Let's see how you handle this. Ripple Ripple-"

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM!" Rebecca came charging with her sword swinging for Diamante's blade. "I'm not that weak and ignorant child you met in Dressrosa. I am a proud fighter willing to live and die for what I deem right. Now prepare yourself Diamante for a fight that I have long waited for!"

Seeing the situation was now turning in a negative fashion, Diamante pulled away and prepared to fight against Rebecca. "Damned brat. You got a fire lit in you and now you wanna try and play a hero? Hate to brake it to you, honey. But heroes don't always win in the end. Sometimes the bad bet the good. Your mommy should know that personally."

Diamante continued to laugh with Rebecca trying to calm herself when hearing this. 'Today, I repay my debt to Flare-no. I repay it to Izuku and become someone he can rely on to accomplish a task without fear.' She takes a fighting stance similar to her father's and prepares to charge.

With Ojiro

Ojiro had begun a fight against Lao G with the two exchanging blows. In an attempt to get the upper hand, Ojiro had given a hit from his tail putting the older fighter towards a wall. However, it began falling apart for the Tail quirk user to worry. "Get out of the way!" He tried to pull Lao G out, but the older man used this to his advantage and throw Ojiro into the wall in his place and have it fall on him.

"What do you take me for, a goof? And that's goof with a capital G!" Ojiro pulled himself out of the rubble and looked at the man. "We are in a life or death battle. There is no time to be kind or sincere. You do that, and your fate will be rather grim. And that's grim with a G!"

Scowling at the man for his lack of respect as a warrior, Ojiro was now irritated. "I wanted to pull you away because I don't want someone to get hurt. Is that a bad thing?" Lao G came at him with a fist to nearly hit him and instead destroy the building. "Guess being kind here won't win any favors." Ojiro was sent back by another punch before going right towards Geola and Tsyu.

"You ok?" Tsu asked stopping Ojiro for him to turn back to her.

"Been better." Ojiro noticed both Lao G and Geola corner them. "I don't feel right attacking the elderly. It almost feels mean to do."

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