Mall Trip

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The film up above is just to show the reason Doflamingo even now is dangerous.

As the Final Exams end, Izuku is told of two alliances that are taking place. One with Doflamingo and the League of Villains and another with Blackbeard and the Yakuza. Both had created agreements with each other for the production of Rampage and a new drug that will erase quirks. Now, Izuku is faced with two mighty foes that grow stronger by the day.

Izuku POV:

The next day of class started for us with those that passed their physical exam being at least a little more relaxed. Those that failed such as Kirishima, Ashido, Sero, Sato and Kaminari, were kinda...zombies in the best term. "We failed."

"No summer camp for us."

I glanced at them shocked how down they were to lean towards Kyoka to quietly whisper to her. "Are they depressed they failed, or depressed they can't go on the summer camp trip?"

"...Both probably." She didn't give much of a statement other than that for it to kinda make sense. Shortly after, Mr. Aizawa came in for all of us to go towards our seats.

"Alright. So first off, I'll address the elephant in the room. There were some of you that didn't pass the final exams. I've already warned you what would happen if you failed." Everyone's head went down that failed the practical for Aizawa to smirk. "However, you all will be attending the summer camp."

"WHAT!?" Everyone was shocked by this while our teacher explained it.

"It was just another logical ruse for you all to work hard during the practical."

"But sir, wouldn't this be a little hard to trust you the more you make these claims?" Iida gave a valid point towards this for Mr. Aizawa to counter him.

"To make things simple, do you expect to always be told the truth? You'll be lied to in the real world, so it's best to take everything you hear with a grain of salt unless you can guarantee otherwise. It's also not a total lie since if you did not pass the written, you'd be denied the camp. Fortunately, everyone passed the written and this camp is to increase your quirks. So to those that failed the physical exam, this would be something they need more than everyone else. However, there will be consequences to those that failed and they will need to take remedial lessons alongside the camp. When we're done, you'll regret the fact you failed more with this." Those that began smiling knowing they could go began to grimace knowing that they were possibly going to face hell. Knowing our teacher, he's not wrong. "Anyway, I'll be sending out a list of things you'll all need in order to attend this trip. Make sure you have it within a week and we'll be heading off towards camp without any problems."

We were all given sheets of paper with the list being somewhat normal for the outdoors. 'Hiking shoes, bug spray, outdoors all seems simple enough in the grand scheme.'

"Also, we'll be having Monet and Baby 5 join us for this trip due to personal reasons that are not necessary to explain. Anyway, classes will be dismissed soon, so just hang out here and don't try to make a lot of noise." He left with all of us talking amongst each other for what we needed.

Apparently, we all were at least missing one or two things for Hagakure to speak up. "Hey, why don't we all go and pick up what we need together? Make a day out of it as a group."

"There's an idea I can get behind." Kirishima was interested in this with all of us agreeing for the most part.

As we agreed, the door opened up to show Monet walking in with some papers in her hand and a boxed lunch in the other. "Hey, everybody." She smiled at all of us before walking up to me and placing the lunch box on my desk. "Baby 5 wanted me to give this to you. You woke up late and forgot it."

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