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This is not an updated!!!! Sorry if it excited you.

Hey guys. I'm debating if I should change what happens because In the movies this character doesn't ack like this at all but he does in my DR and I really don't want to get hate for it. I'm not going to revel who it is but if I post it how it is please don't hate on it.

This is how he acts in my DR, not in the books or movies. He is a bit nicer but I made it in my DR he is mean. Some of these events are in my DR but some parts of it I made up, most of the time I wish it would happen!

I just realize what I said made it sound like I want what is going to happen to happen to me but I don't. I meant thought the whole book some of these things have happened in my DR while other things haven't.

I promise what happens next hasn't happened in my DR and I do not want it to happen to me or Anyone of you lovely people.

Well then new chapter will be out soon I'm just debating if I should change it. Bye!!!

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