Chapter 41

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Storm’s POV

I walked away from the camp, but not back towards the lake.  I had to do this, so I was going to make sure there was as little damage as possible.  I do have to admit something, I don’t even know how I was going to stop this.  But I can’t just not try.  How was I going to do this when the blizzard was already this big?  I took a breath.  I had to try something.

I lifted my hands slowly.  The wind calmed very slightly, but it wasn’t enough.  I clenched my teeth, growling softly.  At one point, I pulled my hands down, catching my breath.  Without someone strong enough to stop it, this blizzard wouldn’t stop on its own.  After about ten minutes of trying, without much success, the wind finally slowed down.  But the snow was still falling.  I tried catching my breath.  My ears went down slightly.

I had to do this, or everyone else was going to die of hyperthermia.  I took a breath, turning into my arctic wolf and focused on how it felt to have my wings in my fire, nature, normal wolf pup, galaxy, and water forms.  Then I felt them forming slowly.  The wings matched my fur as they did in every one of my other forms.  I found a fallen tree and used that to fly up.

The wind helped me fly up into the eye of the storm.  I hovered there for a second before turning into my fire-fox form, keeping the wings out.  The blast of cold air felt horrible.  But if I could at least create a small supernova, I might be able to stop the blizzard.  I spread my wings out as far as they would go, focusing on the heat my body was creating.

Jess had warned me about doing this, but it didn’t matter right now.  Soon, I could tell I was reaching the temperature for the supernova.  The cold was warming up and dissipating.  I let my body temperature lower to its normal levels.  Well, Jess was right about how much energy a full-blown supernova would cost me.  I was hardly able to get to the ground without falling.

Once my paws touched the ground, not that I had been going in for a smooth landing in the first place, I could hardly stand back up.  You could tell where I had landed, rolling head over tail a couple of times before coming to a complete stop.  I turned into my nature fox form, because I could draw a little extra energy from the forest, and created thin vines that attached to the tree trunks of the closest few trees.

Nobody’s POV (this is going to switch between the guys, and Storm a bit.  I’ll be sure to say which I’m switching to.  They also might be short because I’ve still got writer's block.  I’m trying to work through it, sorry.)

With Sky and the group

Max was keeping the fire alive, but it was still freezing in the cave.  “Storm better hurry up,”  Jin said, again.  Sky sighed.  “You’ve said that already.  She’ll do everything she can.  You know she can’t do everything Jin.  She's just a kid you know.”  He told him.  Adam and Barney couldn’t teleport in because the blizzard was messing with the location-tracking devices we had.  That also meant the coms were down, so we had no idea if Ross and Storm were okay or what was even going on.  The snow had started to build up outside the cave entrance too.  Storm whatever you're planning to do, you’d better hurry up and do it.

Back with Storm

I was back in my half-human form, with my arctic fox ears and tail out again.  I gritted my teeth, focusing my power on the center of the blizzard, which I'd been able to move above me.  I moved my hands out, to stop the eye of the blizzard right above me.  If I could heat the eye just enough the temperature enough that it tipped into warm, I could stop the blizzard.

I changed into my full firefox form, keeping my wings bent, as I started heating my body temperature for a supernova again.  Every time the wind blew, I had to heat up again by about 25 degrees.  The wind was freezing, making this a slow process.  I opened my wings carefully, as to not start a forest fire: not that it would last long in the snow anyway.  I flew up, keeping my main focus on keeping my body temperature rising.  I stopped in the dead center of the eye, taking a breath.  Grunting, I forced the fire that was building up: out.  The flames flickered blue before fading to an orange-red.  It worked!  I could feel the air temperature balancing out now!  I changed into my galaxy pup form to create a cloud to rest on and catch my breath again.  Jess was so right, that took a lot more out of me than I'd thought it would.  Good thing she wasn't here right now.  Or I’d be in huge trouble for pulling something like this.

I let my eyes close slowly, figuring I could take a little break.  That was before I remembered the guys might have gotten caved in!  I yelped slightly, jumping down.  I opened my wings again, so I fell slower but still kept a quick pace.  Once my paws hit the ground again, I changed into my shadow form.  The sun wasn't out yet, so moving by the shadows would be a lot quicker than walking.

I stopped.  I should get Ross from the camp to make sure he’s okay.  But he might freeze out here, even if he was in his squirrel form.  I huffed, Ross would have to wait for now.  The guys would be freezing by now.

I let myself fade into the shadows, moving silently.  It took a few minutes before I found the right direction.  Geez, the cave entrance was practically completely covered!  The guys had to be freezing in there!  I left the shadows, trying to find a way in without breaking down the wall.  If Max or Jin were behind it, they would get crushed.  Max would be able to melt the snow, but Jin wouldn't.  Sky wouldn't be able to help much either.  I found a small gap between what looked like rocks and slipped through that way.

There was a small fire going, Max was standing with his back to me.  He was probably trying to keep it going.  One of Jin’s machines turned on, setting an alarm off.  “Something’s in here!”  Jin exclaimed.  Max turned towards the entrance, already making a fireball in his hand.  I whined, changing into my half-human form quickly.  “Don't fire, it's just me!”  I said quickly, changing my ears and tail into my firefox ones so they could see me.  Sky sighed. 

“Storm.  Is everything okay now?”  He asked as Max dissipated his attack.  I nodded.  “I've stopped the blizzard but there's still a lot of snow and ice everywhere.  I can't possibly melt everything quick enough and my nature form will still be a lot weaker from the cold so there's almost no chance of making vines to move the rocks that fell over the entrance.”  I explained quickly.  Sky nodded, looking at Max.  He chuckled.  “Let me handle this.”  He said.  So, it seemed Max could make his fire hot enough to melt rock.  Once the rocks were done, I swapped my fire ears and tail for my arctic ones so the cold didn't affect me as much.

But that didn't help Sky and Jin.  “Don't you have a portable machine that makes heat Jin?  You have a machine for almost everything.”  I asked.  Jin shook his head.  “My things won't work wet, or in these temperatures.”  He replied.  Max was trying to keep them warm, but he couldn't melt the snow and kept them both warm.  I wasn't melting the snow, as much as trying to get it out of the way.  I just tried to push the snow away from the group.

We did eventually find the lake again.  It was frozen over now.  I whined.  What about the hybrid I’d had seen under the water?  Were they okay?  Nobody wanted to go over the frozen lake.  Probably because Max would melt it and everyone would fall in.  I hoped it wasn't completely frozen, so that hybrid was still okay.  It took a long time to go around the lake, mostly because of all the snow and the wind had knocked over a lot more trees.  I was able to use the snow and ice to push the trees and debris out of our way.

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