Chapter 42

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I'm sure many of you will get mad at me for calling The Few's meeting place by the wrong name.  I call it The Hall repeatedly in some of the next few chapters, but let me know if it's called something else and I will change it before posting the updates.

Storm's POV

We got to Everest's camp again.  There was still snow everywhere, but the fire was still going.  I didn’t see anyone though.  It was still kind of dark.  Luckily my night vision was starting to kick in.  I changed into my arctic wolf so the cold didn't affect me and checked the first tent.  It was closest to the fire so I assumed Everest and the others might have gone in there.  I was right.

“Storm!”  Naomi exclaimed as soon as she saw me.  She moved away from Everest.  I changed to my half-human form so the guys outside could understand me.  “I stopped the blizzard.  Max is keeping Jin, Sky, and Ross warm.  How's everyone here?”  I asked.  We got out of the tent.  Red had been keeping the fire going.  “I think everyone's okay here.  But how did you stop that blizzard, Storm?”  Shelby asked.  I sighed.

“I found out I could superheat my body temperature when I use my fire fox form.  I'd found out by accident when Jess was trying to help me learn what I could do.  I figured it might work, so I flew up to the eye of the blizzard to heat the air back up.  But it took a lot more out of me than I thought so it took a while to get back to the guys.  They were snowed in some cave and Max had to thaw everyone back out.”  I explained.  I heard some beeping.  “That's our signal coming back.  We can open a portal to the base now.”  Jin announced.  I looked back at Everest and the others.  Everest smiled.

“You should get ready.  Considering your last portal attempt, you'll need some practice.”  She told me with a small laugh.  I smiled a bit.  “I guess I do.”  I replied.  It took a while for Jin to set up a portal, probably because of all the snow still all over the ground.  I got an idea before we went into the portal.  “What if there were someone else we could bring too?”  I asked.  That triggered at least some interest it seemed.  “We'll talk more about it once we're inside the base.”  Sky allowed.

Unlike the last time, Ross went into the portal after me.  To make sure if it did bug out again, I wouldn't be alone again until they found out where I ended up.  The portal didn't mess up this time, but I still felt dizzy after going through.  My balance wasn't the best either, so I had to sit down for a moment.  The base looked incredible.  I couldn't even name all of the things I saw.  There was even a dome around it.  “We were already told Jess put your flame out in The Few’s HQ.  That means you should be able to go through the shield without any problems.  But tell us if something does happen.”  Jin assured me.

So the shield kept people out if they weren't in the Skyarmy?  At least they didn't have to worry about people sneaking in all the time.  I didn't get to mention anything for a while.  The guys first met back up with Adam and Barney, who were at least glad to see I made it here in one piece.  Jin mentioned he would make a few changes to accommodate my different forms when they decided it was time for me to train.  Though Sky said he wanted me to try training without using my forms to get used to it.  Since I would be the only hybrid besides Ross and their training tactics didn't account for someone being able to change forms.  The first time someone asked what I had meant, was by Ross.

“There was this other girl.  Her name’s Skylar.”  I started.  Ross nodded.  “The hybrid you gave your hair clip to call us.”  He recalled.  Right, they all must have seen her.  “Yeah… I just thought maybe she could come here… I realize it might pose a problem because she does go by Sky as well, but she helped me out.”  I continued explaining.  That led to Ross asking about her.  All I knew was she seemed a bit shy but helped me a bit.  Though it might have been that I had helped her a bit too.  I was glad when Jin told me he wanted to show me the room I was staying in.  To be honest, I would have been happy to sleep outside.  It wasn't like I never had to do it before either, so I was pretty used to it.

The room was mostly grey, though Jin said I could change it to look however I wanted it to.  There was a bed and dresser, though I knew the clothes I had brought through the portal originally were in there already.  There was a good view out of the window too.  So I might be able to sneak out the window if needed.  After looking out the window… I realized I would have to use my galaxy wolf or my lightning wolf to get down.  There were no balconies for me to jump to safety without risking taking a 100 footfall.  Of course, I would be able to stop myself, but there was no telling what could happen if I didn't.

A few days later

Sky had finally listened to my suggestion.  He wasn't sure how I had been able to meet Skylar in the first place.  But I wasn't too sure about that detail either.  But they would have to find her first, which was something I did not know how to do.  If she ever really wanted to be found.  It also depended on whether Skylar wanted to come here or not once she was found.  But at least he listened.  I got used to how things worked pretty easily.

Most days would be with either Sky, Jin, Ross, Max, and Adam.  Each of them would try showing me different things they thought would help.  Sky, Max, and Adam were more likely to be involved with fighting or something of the sort.  Sky already said I would be learning about different weapons and how to find and use them.  So I could choose one to fight with.  Ross said he would try helping me with my forms.  I learned quickly Max wanted to test the limits on my abilities, which was fine by me.  Adam was kind of a mix between learning survival skills if I ever ended up alone somewhere again and different kinds of animals, or mobs as he called them.

Jin… Wanted me to try some technical approaches and learn more about the history of hybrids and multi-hybrids.  But that also meant I would be learning some spells and potions too, so it didn't all that bad.  I didn't plan on using the spells and stuff unless the situation called for it.  But I was with Jin right now.  He wanted me to learn how to identify which kinds of spells.  Like how they looked, what they did, how some smelled if they had a scent, or if they changed color.  Things like that.  He told me to get a vial for him.  I did not understand what he called it at all.  All I know is the vial was in his lab.

So, that's where I went.  For some reason, Barney had come down here not too long ago.  To be honest, I still had a hard time understanding him.  But I was getting a little bit better.  There were all kinds of vials, potions, and a bunch of other things that I had no idea what they were for.  It took a while to even find where the vial was.  Unfortunately, it was on one of the higher-up shelves.  Of course, Jin would send me down here knowing I had to get something higher than I was tall.  There wasn't a ladder either, so there wasn't much I could do without changing forms.  I could try finding a ladder but Jin had said he needed that vial quickly or the… The spell he was working on might explode.

I was told only to do that when it was part of a task or training exercise.  It wasn't, and I was not about to get into trouble for it.  There was a stool.  It didn't reach up to the shelf I needed to reach, but it might work.  I pushed the stool over, climbing up.  Just a little too short still.  I jumped up a bit.  That worked, though the vial tipped over and landed on top of Barney somehow.  The vial only released a black liquid, which faded relatively quickly.  Barney didn't seem to notice anything and walked out.

I grabbed another vial of the same thing and found Jin again.  “What is this anyway?”  I asked as he poured it into a… Cauldron I'm pretty sure it was called.  He took a few moments to answer.

“It's a dangerous parasite from another dimension.  It takes a liquid form to hide, though the color changes based on the person's hair.  It was black because it saw your hair was mostly black I've found they can't be two different colors at once, which is why it wasn't white as well.  But we had to be careful when getting these things.  If you had gotten this on you, the parasite would have taken you over.  I don't think we'd stand much of a chance: based on the control you have of your abilities, let alone the parasite's knowledge of them.”  He explained.  Oh no… I whined lightly.  “What… What if I dropped the other vial?”  I asked.  Jin stopped what he was doing right away.

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant