Chapter 32

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Nobodies POV

Sky, Jin Ross and Max packed what they needed after cutting off the communication clip.  When they were ready, Jin opened a portal a few miles from the clip's location.  Unfortunately for them, that place was a lake.  Jin let out a yelp when they fall.  Ross turned into his narwhal form (yes I didn't forget that part it's hard to) and swam after everyone's stuff.  Once the guys were on the shore, Sky yelled "Really Jin!  Over a lake!?"  Jin held his hands up in defense.  "I didn't know!"  He said quickly.  Ross changed into his half human form with squirrel ears and tail.

"Guys, now is not the time to be arguing!"  Ross said pointing at a pair of glowing dual colored blue eyes.  A fire fox slunk out of the bushes slowly.  It had flaming wings on it's back.  A small red and orange light shone and revealed a girl with fire ears, tail and wings.  Her hair was pitch black at the top but it faded to a snowy white at the tips.  Her left eye was light blue and the right eye dark blue.  The wings of flame opened up threateningly.  "Storm?!  It's us.  Sky, Ross, Jin and Max."  Ross tried to calm the girl down. 

His words fell on deaf ears as a small whistle blew.  Storm gathered a fireball and launched it at the group.  Storm's eyes turned bright red and she stumbled back slightly.  The whistle blew again, her eyes changed back, but they were now completely green in their colouring.  The group had all ducked, except for Max.  The red-head caught the fireball and threw it right into the lake behind him.

Storm growled, turned back into her fire fox form again and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.  Vines erupted from the ground and entrapped Max in their grasp.  Before anyone could even move, the vines froze into solid ice and withered after they snapped.  An ice fox floated down and growled, hesitantly, at a place in the nearby undergrowth.  A nature wolf walked out, with completely green eyes.  Three more wolves ran out, and one fire dragon. 

Storm growled at the 'human' group yet again.  There was another nature wolf, a green and black wolf and a fire fox.  The fire fox cast a wall of flamez around the whole group.  The ice fox floated above the flames and created an ice spiked minefield.  Sky and the others looked at each other and then back to the battle.  Storm winced as the whistle blew again.  The green and black, and the nature wolves shrunk back at the sound.  The fire fox whined.  The ice fox growled, unaffected by the sound.  Max saw why after a few moments.  "The ice fox is wearing the headphones Storm had on before!"  He said.

Sky made eye contact with the green and black wolf.  He saw the black and white clip in its fur.  Max had been gathering fire in his hands.  "Max, stop!  It's okay.  They're friendly.  We have to worry about Storm right now."  Sky said before he could launch it.  The fire disappeared.  Upon hearing her name, Storm changed into her half human form.  Storm's eyes turned back to red.  This time, they stayed red long enough for her to say "please"  Her eyes turned green again and she ran off again, but in her nature form.

Four lights shone.  It was everyone that Sky had seen from the clip's screen.  "What was that about?  Storm just attacked us.  We're her friends!"  Sky screamed.  Nightfury stepped closer.  "My name is Nightfury.  My sister isn't in control of any of her actions.  Ein js controlling her using the hybrid whistle.  He made her eyed change so she has a harder time fighting back from the whistle's hold."  He said.  Sky nodded.  Max stepped up.  "Why do you have Storm's headphones on?"  He asked in a heated tone.  Nightfury growled. 

"If you are implying I took them, you are wrong.  My sister gave them to be.  They prevent me from hearing the whistle.  Therefore, blocking it's effects."  Nightfury said.  Katara put a hand on her son's shoulder.  "It's okay Nightfury.  They came to help us."  She said calmly.

Storm's POV: this is when she is in her mind

I watched as all the hybrids left quickly.  I saw Skylar grab Nightfury while my parents followed them.  Seraphine grabbed my tail and pulled me away from the window.  She dragged me by my arms to a cellar.  I fought against her but remembered that Ein might use the whistle against my family again.  I stopped struggling and Seraphine chained my leg to the wall.  Sure I could change and sneak away, but Ein would count that as making the deal void. 

It seemed like forever before Ein reared his face.  I saw the hybrid whistle in his hand.  When he blew it, I whined in shock.  I opened my eyes to see that there was a replica of myself.  But her eyes were completely green.  "Where am I!"  I yelled at her.  I realized I wasn't chained to a wall.  We were in a dark void.  The other me laughed.  "We are in your self-conscious.  Let's see if you are better than your strongest self."  Ein's voice said.

"My strongest self?"  I questioned.  The clone of me ran at me with flaming ears, tail and wings.  I took out my water ears and tail to dodge the attack.  "This is you, when you don't hold back."  Ein said.  I still couldn't see him.  "Holding back?"  I repeated.  I raised water out of the moisture in the air and flung it at the other hybrid. 

"Oh yes.  You hold back your true power whenever you fight.  Just becuase, deep inside, you don't want anyone to get hurt.  Even if they are trying to kill you."  My clone said, in Ein's voice.  It was down right creepy.  I growled at the words.  I hesitated and ended up being hit with a fireball.  I skidded back.  "Why have me fight then?!"  I shouted, launching water at my clone.  Ein's laugh came. 

"If you manage to stop your opposite side, I will let you go.  But is you admit defeat, you will be trapped in your own mind forever... or until your friends have no choice but to kill you."  Ein said.  I had a feeling he wouldn't be talking anymore.  I was about to turn into my lightning wolf but remembered Ein's words from earlier.  'Your five forms.'  He had said.  I changed into my air form instead and flew up.

If I didn't show my other two forma, maybe Ein wouldn't find out about them.  Then my evil clone wouldn't be able to use them against me.  But if this was the part of me without my hesitation, this was going to be a hard fight.

Time skip brought to you by: Pitch's dress

Part way through the battle I saw something change...

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