Chapter 48

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Storm's POV

I had to make sure my necklace wasn't visible every time I passed hybrids under Ein's control.  It took a bit of energy, but it always did when I was hiding the thing that held my forms.  As soon as I got up there, I found the rest of The Few.  Daniel and Katz were back to back against water and wind hybrids.  Daniel had a hard time with his suit when there was too much wind, according to Jess, and Katz's suit didn't work too well with water, also according to Jess.

They didn't seem to notice me right away.  But apparently, someone else did.  A bright white beam shot at me.  Plasma beam.  Sly had noticed me and thought I was one of the hybrids under Ein's control.  I ducked a few beams, trying not to fire at him.  It would not help if I hurt him right now.  I rolled to the side.  Thinking quickly, I changed into my water wolf and shot a stream of water at Sly.  It wouldn't harm his suit but would trigger his missile systems inaccurate for a moment.

I changed back into my fire fox quickly to avoid suspicion.  Maybe I could find Kayla and get her to understand.  I jumped up onto a broken support beam to try to find Kayla.  I ended up flying into a wall.  Good news and bad news.  The good news was I found Kayla.  The bad news was she thought I was attacking her.  So she attacked first.  I stood up, jumping to the side to avoid her claws.  They just missed my tail luckily.  I whined quietly.  She's gotten faster.  I let my eyes go back to normal, ducking again.  I shot a fireball at her feet, making her jump back.  She grabbed a desk and threw it at me.  I changed back, right as I moved to avoid the desk… And rolled out of a broken window.

I yelped, grabbing the edge.  “Kayla!  It's me!”  I shouted to her.  Don't look down, don't look down, don't look-  I looked down.  You would think having forms that could fly would prevent me from having a fear of heights.  Not at all, especially not when I couldn't fly right now.  Kayla must have heard me.  One hand slipped off the edge.  Shoot, I grabbed right onto some of the glass frames.  I could feel and see the blood coming from my hand.  Kayla appeared over the edge, gasping.  “Storm!”  She realized, grabbing my other hand.  She helped me get back over the edge.  I tried catching my breath.

“What are you doing here!  Jess said the others didn't think you were ready yet?”  Kayla asked quickly.  I let my nature fox ears and tail out, healing the cut on my hand quickly before putting them away again.  “They don't.  I wanted to help, so I came to do so.”  I explained, raking a slow breath.  Geez… my first real fight, and I had already come that close to dying.  Kayla took a com set out.  “Sly, I've got something here you might want to see.”  She said, smiling after a moment.  “Quickly, hide somewhere in that fire form again.”  She told me.

I did, turning into my fire fox and hid under some of the broken-up floors.  What a time to be playing a prank on someone.  Sly showed up really quickly.  Like… super quickly.  “What is it?”  He asked.  Kayla pointed in my direction.  I thought of something at the last second.  I let my wings come out before showing myself.  Kayla gasped, adding a nice touch.  Sly instantly moved between us and started charging up another plasma beam.  I barked a laugh, changing back.  A little too late though, as he fired right as I changed back.  The heck!?

I yelped, pulling my hood down again.  “Come on Sly!  You didn't even wait to see if I was hostile or not!”  I hissed, rubbing the back of my head from hitting the wall again.  Kayla laughed a bit.  Sly wasn't amused in the slightest.  “How did you get here?  This isn't the time or the place for jokes and you're not even supposed to be here in the first place.”  He demanded.  My ears twitched.  I ran over, summoning a shield of flames.  It evaporated the steaming water that came from below us.

I could feel how hot it was without even touching it.  I dropped to one knee after I let my shield dissipate.  “I hate when hybrids do that.”  I growled, shooting a fireball at the water hybrid below us.  It only knocked them out.  “What was that?”  Kayla asked.  I huffed, standing back up.  “Hybrids are able to combine powers when they want to.  In this case, that water would have been scalding hot and would have left you both in incredible pain.”  I replied.  The fire hybrid ran off.  Shoot.  I changed into my water wolf quickly, dousing that effort easily.

Sly and Kayla came up from behind me.  “I thought hybrids stayed in their own world.”  Sly accused.  I growled back for a moment before stopping myself.  “They do!  I've dealt with this guy before.”  I snapped back.  Sly tuned into the coms to get Daniel and Katz to our location.  Castor must have been getting something to try helping.  Jess would probably show up later.  “Who is this guy, and why is he using hybrids to attack?”  Kayla asked.  I took a breath, bringing my shadow fox ears and tail out.  “His name is Ein Dark.  He's a hybrid, though I don't know his forms.  All I know is he's half blind and his ears and tail are torn to shreds so I would count on his hearing being off as well.”  I paused, making sure we weren't being watched before continuing.

“I was told he was attacked by humans and has hated them and hybrids alike ever since.  Something called a hybrid whistle is forged from obsidian and celestial bronze.  The user can control any hybrid breed they wish.  Wolf and fox hybrids are closely related so they are both affected.  I can't explain everything right now, but he's somehow gotten another one.  These hybrids don't have control over themselves, which is why their eyes are green.”  I explained quickly.  There was another explosion.  I let my fire fox ears, wail and wings come back out.  My wings folded in half, though I was ready in case of another explosion to block it.

(Discontinued) The multi-hybridDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora