Chapter 2

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When I opened my eyes, I saw that we weren't in the city anymore.  It looked like we were in the woods.  I was next to a burnt out campfire, in a dog bed.  There were about five sleeping bags scattered aroung the place.  I picked out the pink and red ones and walked over to them.  A squirrel hopped down from the branch above the brown-ish sleeping bag.  It's eyes were green.  "Hey your awake, I hope you weren't too scared.  Changing your forms for the first time can be disorienting.  My name is Logan.  What about you?"  He sounded nice.  I sat down.

The ground felt somehow soft.  "My names Storm."  My voice shook slightly, I was the shy type.  Logan took a few steps forward.  "You know your odd eyed right?  But the lighter one looks different..."  His voice trailed off.  I growled.  "You think I don't know that I'm odd eyed?  And I know how my left eye looks."  Growling still, I dug my claw into the dirt and drew a symbol.  It was a circle but swirling.

Half was what and the other black.  There was a white dot in the black and a black dot in the white.  As I sat back down Logan tilted his head.  "What's around your neck?"  He took two steps forward.  My paw flew up to my neck.  My necklace was still there.  I sighed.  "It was a gift from my parents.  They gave it to me when I was still little.  I don't really know what it actually is for."  I lifted it up slightly to show the large X  There was a small gasp.  I looked around to see that Ashley had woken up.

She was staring at the charm.  I dropped it.  "Storm?"  Her voice was unbelieving.  I took a step back and nodded once.  Ashley walked over to stand next to me.  She picked me up and held on me front of her.  Her eyes bore into mine.  "It's really you Storm?"  Her eyes started to water.  I nodded.  Ashley held one hand to her mouth.  She held me closer to her chest in a hug.  Her body was warming.  I yawned.

Ashley held me in front of her. "Your going to have to sleep in more. Since it's your first time using your other form then your going to be more tried than usual. It's not very same for our kind to stay in cities. But I'll explain when you get your human form back.  I'll tell my brother when he gets back to not worry about you anymore." Ashley set me down on the dog bed again and sat there, patting me softly.  I nodded, already feeling tried again.

I drifted in and out of slumber.  I could still hear and feel a lot of things. I could feel someone holding the charm that was around my neck.  The scent told me it was Ashley.  She always smelled like roses.  The scent was much strong in this form.

  The scent was much strong in this form

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This is what Storm would look like.  This isn't the right photo, I could not find the right one.  Just imagine it as black and black wings.  The diamond is susposed to be white.  The eyes still stay blue.  Now back to the story.

I could hear a hushed conversation.  "Aaron we can't leave her here.  I know who she is, I'm not going to tell you yet.  But I saw them.  They were watching us.  They might be following our trail to get here as we speak.  If we leave her here then they'll do to her what they did to our parents.  I know you remember what they looked like.  Ok, ok a test is fine.  But let's not make it too difficult, it's her first time in this form.  But the charm on her necklace.  Don't you think it looks a lot like the one on the posters?  I know what your thinking.   There's no way that the pup is the missing multi-hybrid.  But I know who she is, I can't leave her.  Please?"  There was a sigh and then a small sound of joy.  I tried not to move.

I felt myself drift back into sleep.  I opened my eyes slowly.  The sun was nearly at its peak in the sky.  I stood up and walked off the bed.  The others were all gone, the sleeping bags were gone.  I couldn't see Logan in his other form in the trees.  I smelled something.  Footsteps were coming closer.  I didn't recognize the scents.  Three men in black suits came out of the bushes.  They stopped and watched me.  My tail was between my back legs and my ears were down.  I took several steps back and whined.  I felt my wings pop out.  They opened on their own.

One of the men reached into his pocket and pulled something out.  The bladed knife had a black grip and a black blade. I gave a weak growl.  He threw the knife.  I felt it find a home in my wing.  I let out a shocked yelp of pain.  I bit the rubber grip and got the knife out.  I backed up and went right into a tree.  I clawed at the bark and got up the trunk.  The men waited at the bottom.  I felt a silent shimmer pass through me.  I lifted my paw and saw a black silhouette of one.  

I had changed forms again

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I had changed forms again.  Ashley's word rung in my ears.  "Missing multi-hybrid."   The men started to look at the other branches.  I know somehow that they couldn't see me anymore.  I leaned down and ran past the men back to the campsite.  I caught the scent of roses.  I closed my eyes and pictured the black wolf pup with the and the white diamond on her forehead.  I opened my eyes, it had worked.  I flapped my wings and followed the rosey scent.  

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