Chapter 3

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Shoutout to Everestthehuskypuppy for giving me the ideas.  I hope your stories go well my friend.  Go check out her account and follow her.  If you have read some of the books then you may realize some similarities.  I was super inspired to try out a hybrid book.  Her series were really well thought out and the plots were perfect.

I found a small stream.  I stopped to get a drink of water.  My wing was aching.  I hoped that I didn't leave a trail of blood.  I hadn't really been able to fly that high, only a foot or two off the ground.  I saw a fish and jumped in after it.  The scales didn't pose any problem for my teeth.  I grabbed it and swam to the other side.  I sniffed the fish and mentally shuddered.  Come on, just think like a wolf Storm.  I thought about how wolves ate and dug in.  As I was cleaning my muzzle of the blood, I heard more foot steps.  I focused on putting my wings away and they disappeared.

Now it looked like my side was bleeding.  I leaped onto a rock near the center of the river.  Instead of the men in black suits coming though the bushes, someone else did.  She had a blue shirt on, it had a cats face on it.  She looked at me with wary eyes.  I realized my fur had turned grey.  I must have looked like a normal wolf pup.  She smiled.  "Come on, you don't need to hide.  You can show me how you really look."  She sat down and waited.  I didn't move.  Her smile faded slightly.  She closed her eyes and her shape shrunk.  A tricolor cat replaced her.  She was three different shades of blue.

"You can change back now."  The cats voice sounded just like its human counterpart's.  I jumped onto the grass and felt my color shift back to black with the white diamond.  My wings came out again as well.  The hurt one laid limply by my side.  "My name is Everest.  What's yours?"  Her voice seemed nice.  I decided to trust her.  "My name is Storm."  My voice shook slightly.  The cat, Everest, seemed to notice my wing.  "Your hurt.  What happened?"  Her voice became concerned.

I looked back over the river.  The three men in black suits were standing there.  I turned to face them and took a few steps back.  The one who threw the knife before had it in his hand again.  He threw it.  This time, I jumped to the side.  My breathing quickened.  "That's- what- happened."  My voice was barely audible.  I felt something pick me up.  I turned to see that Everest had changed into a half human form.  Her blue cats ears and tail were showing still.  She turned and ran with me.

She closed her eyes and her ears and tail changed.  They were now galaxy colored wolf ears and the tail matched.  She had a pair of light blue wings, their color changed to purple.  She ran until she spotted a fallen log.  Everest stepped on the log and it sent us into the air.  She flew over the trees.  I flinched into her arm and closed my eyes.  I hated heights.  I could feel that we flew for a long time, long enough that the sunset, before landing.  She set me down and her wings, ears and tail disappeared.

 "Ok, this is where I live.  I'll need to bandage your wing after I make sure it's not broken."  She moved her head towards the house.  "Ok, looks like I'll have some explaining to do.  My friends are home.  Sorry, you'll have to face their questions."  Her voice was sincere.  I nodded and gulped.  Everest picked me back up and walked through the open door.  "Hey Everest."  "What took you?"  "Where'd you find the wolf pup?"  "It has wings."  "Everest found another hybrid."  "Look at what's around her neck."  "It looks like the necklace from the banner."  "Guys back up, your all scaring the poor thing, can't you see that she's in pain?"  A swarm of questions and people surrounded us.

 I couldn't make complete sense of all their words.  Banner?  Another hybrid?  They can see my necklace.  But what does that have to do with a banner, or did they say poster?  My thoughts were as crazy as the words swirling around me.  Everest pushed her way through the crowd and up some stairs.  "Mom, what's wrong with everyone?... You found her?"  The voice was high pitched.  I looked up only to flinch back into Everest's arm.  A small face was right in front of me.  "Naomi, back up a little.  Your scaring her even more.  Everest sounded calm.  "Sorry mom."  The girl, Naomi, took a few steps back.  I felt the switch as I was passed to another, smaller, set of hands.  

There was a small bouncing motion.  I yawned again and my eyes started to close.  "Are you going to adopt her?  Is she going to be my new sister?"  The voice was hushed.  "Naomi, I don't want you to get to excited about this.  She was hurt, the Skymedia people were after her.  We're lucky that they didn't follow me.  I told her I would make sure she was Ok.  I'm keeping that promise.  Can you got to the bathroom and find me the bandages and something to use as a brace?"  There was a hushed "sure" and then I couldn't hear anything anymore.  My dreams were slightly different than they usually were.  They was still blood being spilled in front of me, but what changed was who's it was.

 I watched in horror as my friends and family were killed.  The only difference was that now Everest and all the people I saw when she took me into the house were being killed too.  The black shadow shifted to Everest, she was the only other one still standing.  I yelped.  It was than that I realized that I wasn't a wolf pup anymore.  

I was me, I leaped off of the chair and jumped in front of Everest, with my hands out, just as the blade came down.  I heard a no as I fell.  Time seemed to pass slower.  There was a voice singing one of my favorite songs.   I had sung it when I was hurt and scared.

Flower gleam and glow,

Left your powers shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine,

Heal what has been hurt,

Change the fates design,

Save what has been lost,

Bring back what once was mine,

What once was... mine.

The dream shifted to when I woke up in my room three days ago, was it only three days?  On the floor was my necklace, next to it was Everest's body.  I screamed and sat up.  Breathing hard, I looked around the room.  The last thing I remembered, was being set down on a bed by Naomi.  I lifted my hand and ran it through my hair.  I froze.  I felt my hair again.  I looked down and saw my clothes.  

My human clothes.  Sometime during the night, and my dream, I had changed back to my human form.  I put both of the hands on my head and felt something new.  I stood up and looked over my shoulder.  Sure enough there was a black tail.  I looked around the room until I found a mirror.  Looking in it, I saw I had the same black ears from my black wolf pup form.  

The tail was the same too.  Even the black wings were there.  My hand flew to my neck.  The charm still hung there.  It's five colors shimmering even in the dim light.

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