Chapter 34

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Storm's POV

The next day, I woke up feeling almost like myself again.  I just wasn’t able to change back to my hybrid form, Jess said I should stay in my animal forms so they could make sure I was fully recovered from the effects of the hybrid whistle.  I knew that they all meant to make sure I wasn’t under the whistles control and healed from the knife.  My parents and brother had come in to see me earlier.  They had changed forms so we could talk.  I really was feeling like myself again.  When the door opened this time, I was just messing up the bed again, since I was given a full sized human bed to sleep in.  I looked at who was there, dropping the cover. 

“Storm!”  A high pitched voice yelled.  I turned into my normal wolf out form, since I’d been in my ice one, and jumped off the bed.  Naomi picked me up anyway.  “You have no idea how long it took to convince mom to let me come.”  She said, squashing me in a hug.  Once her grip loosened, I jumped down.

Naomi changed forms.  “You still look the same.”  She commented.  I nodded.  “You don’t, I swear you’ve grown.”  I noted.  Naomi looked like your hybrid form was just slightly taller, and her wolf form was just slightly larger.  “It’s just a growth spurt.”  Naomi said.  We played for a while until the door opened again. 

This time, the person was already in a form.  Everest half ran over.  “You have no idea how worried we were about you Storm!”  She cried out.  I half nodded.  “Naomi was telling me that.  I’m sorry, things just got out of hand.”  I half explained.  Everest eyef the bandages around my waist.  Right, I’d been forced to wear them even after the wound was completely gone. 

There was a small scar, but that was all that was left the the mark from Seraphine’s blade. Jess had told me I was just lucky the blade hadn’t been dipped in any poison, or I would have died.  Everest turned back in her hybrid form, picking me up and putting me back on the bed.  I half groaned, which sounded more like a whine in this form, and Everest laughed.  “You’re still on bed rest, you know that.”  She teased.  I growled lightly, not really meaning it.

Everest turned back into her cat form.  Her and Naomi stayed with me, until more than a few people came into the room.  It was Jin, Sky, Ross, Max and Barney.  They all wore a similar expression to when everyone was worried Ein was still able to control me, since I was under his control about right up until the whistle was snapped in half.  Everest and Naomi changed into the hybrid forms and left the room. 

“Bye Storm.”  Naomi said sullenly.  Max closed the door when they left.  Sky and Jin came closer.  “You can change into a different form now Storm.  We need to talk.”  Sky said.  I changed into my hybrid form with my galaxy ears, wings and tail, since it had been a while since I was like this.  “What's wrong?”  I asked, it felt so weird to speak like this again.  I’d gotten so used to hearing the hybrid language over English. 

“You’ve been cleared to come back to the Sky Army’s base with us.  You just need one more session and we can go.”  Jin explained.  I had a feeling they were leaving something out.  I half nodded.  “Okay, so Castor’s coming back?”  I questioned. Sky nodded once.  I stood up, taking a moment to get used to walking on two legs again.  I adjusted the headphones again. 

Even if the hybrid whistle was gone, I still had those flashes of its power and sound.  Castor and Everest agreed it was because I’d still been under its control when it was broken.

I followed the guys out.  More than once, I’d woken up to Ross being in the room.  Every time, I was wrapped in his scarf.  Ross was always in his squirrel form on the other side of the bed.  He’d explained that Jess had given it to him and that the scarf enhanced the natural healing process.  When I felt something being placed around my shoulders, I knew it was Ross putting his scarf on me again. 

“I’m really fine Ross, you should keep your scarf on.”  I told him.  Ross loved that scarf, and only took it off when someone else needed it.  But I didn’t need it anymore, so he didn’t need to keep giving it to me.  “Just to be sure.”  He answered.  I rolled my eyes.  Castor was waiting, but he looked indifferent this time.  The routine of the checkups, yeah, I’d pretty much memorized them.  It wasn’t like I had to do anything, just keep up the exercises for as long as I could. 

I wondered for a second what Hyria was doing.  After I left the room, I saw that the place outside the room had changed completely.  I was in a forest now.  There was a cottage in front of me, but it felt really familiar.  “How did you find this place?!  Nobody can get here without a guide!”  A voice yelled. 

I yelped softly, turning into my lighting form and throwing a bolt of electricity towards the person.  The green field showed up, right where an older woman was standing.  It was Hyria.

“Who do you think you are?”  She hissed.  I took a step back.  Right. Hyria didn’t know I had this form.  I was half blinded from a light.  I yelped, quickly turning into my galaxy form and flying up and away from the attack.  Unless I showed Hyria it was me, she might end up killing me. 

I turned into my shadow form and jumped into the shade of the trees.  Hyria stopped and looked at where I’d jumped into.  Of course, I wasn’t in that spot anymore, I was to her right now.  Hyria sent a blast of light towards where I was standing, revealing where I was right away.  A soft whine slipped out.  Hyria stopped, the light she’d created disappeared and I was cast into the shadows again. 

This time, I turned into my fire fox form.  Hyria seemed to recognize this form.  No hybrid forms ever looked exactly the same, because nobody ever look exactly the same.  Even twin hybrids would have subtle differences in their forms.  I took a step back.  I’d turned into my fire form, but I had the flaming wings again.  I turned into my hybrid form of the fire fox, but the wings didn’t go away.  My ears were angled down.  “Guess I still have to figure out how that happens.”  I muttered.  Hyria seemed to see it was me now.

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