Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes slowly.  I looked around to see that my room was a total mess.  Throwing the covers off, I rolled out of my bed.  I remembered cleaning my room before I went to sleep.  "Huh."  I thought out loud.  There was a knock at the door.  I stood up and froze.  There were several sets of footsteps pacing outside of the door.

I opened the door, without taking the chain off, and poked my head out to see who was there.  My left hand flew up to my necklace.  The larger X was made up of five smaller diamonds.  One was red, one was blue, one green and one yellow, the middle one was black.  My parents had given me the necklace when I turned three years old.  When I was four, however, they died.  That was five years ago, I was nine and almost ten now.  The story, that I had told the police, was that someone broke into the house and set it on fire.

That wasn't exactly true.  I had woken up to use the bathroom when I felt something off.  I was blinded by a red light.  When I could open my eyes again, I walked over to the mirror and saw a flaming fox staring back at me.  I ran out of the bathroom and tripped.  The curtain caught on fire and somehow I ended up back in my original form and outside.  I shook my head, trying to clear away the memories.  I closed the door and took the chain off.

Opening the door all the way I was thrown onto my back.  A growl picked up.  On top of me was a pitch black wolf pup that had angry brown eyes.  I gave a startled yelp and the black wolf pup was thrown off me.  I scrambled to my feet, wait I was on all fours.  I gave a shocked yelp.  This wasn't the firey fox, I had turned into.  I was now the same size as the wolf pup that had tackled me.   My fur seemed to be all black but a white diamond was on my forehead.   The black wolf pup got to its paws and yelped.  "Your a hybrid?"  The voice was familiar.  I had never heard the language that the pup was using before.   I tried to stand up but fell back down.  The wolf pup came over and stopped a few feet in front of me.

The pup closed its eyes.   It shifted onto a girl with blonde hair, the tips were blue.  Her black glasses framed her face.  "Here, let me help you.  I'm guessing that your new to being a hybrid?  My names Ashley by the way."  Ashley?  My best, and first, maybe only, friend was a hybrid?  What even did that mean?  I stood up and barked at her.  Ashley it's me.  It's Storm.  I jumped up and down but she didn't seem to recognize me.  Ashley bent down and picked me up softly.  She scratched behind my right ear, it felt calming.  I relaxed into her arms.  I felt sleepy in a matter for seconds.  My eyes slipped shut.  I could feel Ashley lifting me up.

My eyes opened again.   Ashley was holding me in front of her.  "You eyes are very... unique.  Their familiar..."  Her voice trailed off.  Pulling me back close to her chest, Ashley left my house.  "You wouldn't happen to know where my friend is would you?  This is or I should say was her house."  Her voice saddened.  I realized why she hadn't recognized me.  The clothes I had on were completely black.  The hoodie must have hidden my black and white tipped hair.  My hair was ravens black but the tips were snowy white.

I had been born odd eyed.  My left eye was a lighter blue than my right eye, but my left eyes had a symbol in it instead of a normal pupil.  Ashley closed the door and walked out into the street.  Someone who looked like Aaron, Ashley's brother, was waiting for her under a tree.  He was a red hoodie covering his head.  The last time I had saw Aaron, he was getting ready to run away.  His girlfriend had been murdered in front of him.  "Hey Aaron.  Thanks for waiting up."  Ashley's voice stopped my thoughts.

"I wouldn't leave my little sister alone in these streets."  His voice was playful, I always thought of him as a puppy.  Ashley was older than Aaron by a year, but he was about a foot taller.  His eyes narrowed in on me, I flinched away from him glare.  "Where'd you find the wolf pup?"  His voice was confused and concerned at the same time.  "She was in Storm's room, but she wasn't a wolf pup when I found her..."  Ashley reached her brother.  Her voice dropped to a whisper.  "...she's a hybrid, just like us.  A first time switch.  She could barely stand.  I couldn't just leave her there.  What if they had found her.  We can't let that happen to anymore of us."  Her voice became stressed.  Who are they?  I thought.  Aaron smiled slightly.  His hand came out slowly.  Aaron's hand, which seemed rough, patted my head softly.  "I guess we could take her with us.  As long as-"  He stopped talking.  Ashley dropped me.  I plummeted to the ground, but oddly never hit.

I opened my eyes and my paws were set on the ground.  Ashley and Aaron hadn't caught me, their hands were still too high up.   I turned in a circle.  Something felt different.  I looked over my shoulder to see a raven black pair of wings on my back.  I gave a shocked yelp, half whine, and the wings disappeared.  I was picked up again.  This time, it was Aaron. His face had changed from kind to accusing.  "Do you understand us?"  His voice was soft and stern at the same time.

I nodded once, hesitantly.  The two of them started walking down the street.  I looked to the sky to see it was still dark out.  Aaron had a howling wolf photo on his sweater.  I felt my eyes start to close again.

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